Tcpdump usage examples
In most cases you will need root permission to be able to capture packets on an interface. Using tcpdump (with root) to capture the packets and saving them to a file to analyze with Wireshark (using a regular account) is recommended over using Wireshark with a root account to capture packets on an "untrusted" interface. See the Wireshark security advisories for reasons why.
See the list of interfaces on which tcpdump can listen:
- tcpdump -D
Listen on interface eth0:
- tcpdump -i eth0
Listen on any available interface (cannot be done in promiscuous mode. Requires Linux kernel 2.2 or greater):
- tcpdump -i any
Be verbose while capturing packets:
- tcpdump -v
Be more verbose while capturing packets:
- tcpdump -vv
Be very verbose while capturing packets:
- tcpdump -vvv
Be verbose and print the data of each packet in both hex and ASCII, excluding the link level header:
- tcpdump -v -X
Be verbose and print the data of each packet in both hex and ASCII, also including the link level header:
- tcpdump -v -XX
Be less verbose (than the default) while capturing packets:
- tcpdump -q
Limit the capture to 100 packets:
- tcpdump -c 100
Record the packet capture to a file called capture.cap:
- tcpdump -w capture.cap
Record the packet capture to a file called capture.cap but display on-screen how many packets have been captured in real-time:
- tcpdump -v -w capture.cap
Display the packets of a file called capture.cap:
- tcpdump -r capture.cap
Display the packets using maximum detail of a file called capture.cap:
- tcpdump -vvv -r capture.cap
Display IP addresses and port numbers instead of domain and service names when capturing packets (note: on some systems you need to specify -nn to display port numbers):
- tcpdump -n
Capture any packets where the destination host is Display IP addresses and port numbers:
- tcpdump -n dst host
Capture any packets where the source host is Display IP addresses and port numbers:
- tcpdump -n src host
Capture any packets where the source or destination host is Display IP addresses and port numbers:
- tcpdump -n host
Capture any packets where the destination network is Display IP addresses and port numbers:
- tcpdump -n dst net
Capture any packets where the source network is Display IP addresses and port numbers:
- tcpdump -n src net
Capture any packets where the source or destination network is Display IP addresses and port numbers:
- tcpdump -n net
Capture any packets where the destination port is 23. Display IP addresses and port numbers:
- tcpdump -n dst port 23
Capture any packets where the destination port is is between 1 and 1023 inclusive. Display IP addresses and port numbers:
- tcpdump -n dst portrange 1-1023
Capture only TCP packets where the destination port is is between 1 and 1023 inclusive. Display IP addresses and port numbers:
- tcpdump -n tcp dst portrange 1-1023
Capture only UDP packets where the destination port is is between 1 and 1023 inclusive. Display IP addresses and port numbers:
- tcpdump -n udp dst portrange 1-1023
Capture any packets with destination IP and destination port 23. Display IP addresses and port numbers:
- tcpdump -n "dst host and dst port 23"
Capture any packets with destination IP and destination port 80 or 443. Display IP addresses and port numbers:
- tcpdump -n "dst host and (dst port 80 or dst port 443)"
Capture any ICMP packets:
- tcpdump -v icmp
Capture any ARP packets:
- tcpdump -v arp
Capture either ICMP or ARP packets:
- tcpdump -v "icmp or arp"
Capture any packets that are broadcast or multicast:
- tcpdump -n "broadcast or multicast"
Capture 500 bytes of data for each packet rather than the default of 68 bytes:
- tcpdump -s 500
Capture all bytes of data within the packet:
- tcpdump -s 0

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