The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.


Just list some items about the life I always dream of:

1. Find a lifelong companion;

2. Find a job I love to do;

3. Find a business that can be well paid;

4. Earn enough money to realize my dream of financial freedom;

5. Become strong both physicaly and mentally;

6. Grow up into an expert in the business I engage in;

7. The whole family live a healthy and harmonious life;

And so on. And now I really dream of winning a lottery and the bonus can be 50 million Yuan or more.

It seems I have too many dreams. If I depend on the God to help me realize them, maybe the God would feel tiresome as well.

I will let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours.


From Bob Dylan.

Bod Dylan, whose original name was Robert Allen Zimmerman and born on May 24, 1941, is an American poetic songwriter, singer, painter, writer and Nobel Prize laureate.

He has beeen influential in popular music and modern culture for more than five decades.

Most of his famous and celebrated work can be dated back to 1960s, when his songs chronicled social unrest.

And he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016.

OK, now I know this guy, and I think he is qualified to be in many people's dreams, even without their presence in his dream.

But for the rest of us, the only way we can be in other's dreams may be to let the one in our own dreams first.

We must give first, then we have the chances to receive.

These days I have been entangled in the relationships with two girls, I know who I love more, but I haven't taken enough courage to refuse the other.

Actually, I am not good at refusing others, that may be one of the reasons why I always feel tired and exhausted.

However, it may be very simple to say no, which will make the life much more easier.

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