First try, build gimp-print on ubuntu.

1. Install all dependencies.

sudo apt-get install libcups2-dev
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.-dev
sudo apt-get install libgimpprint
sudo apt-get install libijs-dev
sudo apt-get install libcupsimage2-dev

2 Build gutenprint

Configuration Summary:
------------- -------- If you have any problems, please report the information below to ================================================================
Release: gutenprint 5.2. generated on Jul Features:
Build CUPS: yes, installing in /usr
Build CUPS 1.2 enhancements: yes
Build CUPS PPD files: no
Generate PS level CUPS PPD files: yes
Build genppd statically: yes
Build Ghostscript IJS driver: yes
Build Foomatic data: no
Build enhanced Print plugin for GIMP: yes
GIMP plugin will be named: gutenprint
Install plugin(s) in home directory: no
Build EPSON Stylus utility: yes
Build test programs: yes
Build testpattern generator: yes Installation summary:
Installation prefix: /usr/local
Exec prefix: ${prefix}
Data directory: /usr/local/share/gutenprint
Library directory: /usr/local/lib/gutenprint
XML data directory: /usr/local/share/gutenprint/5.2/xml
Module directory: /usr/local/lib/gutenprint/5.2/modules
Install sample images: yes General configuration:
Compiler options: -Disfinite=finite -O6 -Wall -Wcast-align -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -Wwrite-strings -Werror-implicit-function-declaration -Winline -Wformat= -finline-limit=
Build static libraries: yes
Build shared libraries: yes
Maintainer mode: no
Use i18n: yes
Generate profiling information: no
Generate debugging symbols: no
Use modules: static
Use readline libraries: yes, extra arguments: -lncurses
uname -a output: Linux hu-ThinkPad-T430 3.8.--generic #-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr :: UTC x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
================================================================ Finished configuring. Please review CAREFULLY the configuration summary above.
Type 'make clean' followed by 'make' to build the package
then 'make install' to install it.

Now, it's time to port it to window. (To be continued...)

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