Given an original string input, and two strings S and T, replace all occurrences of S in input with T.


  • input, S and T are not null, S is not empty string


  • input = "appledogapple", S = "apple", T = "cat", input becomes "catdogcat"
  • input = "laicode", S = "code", T = "offer", input becomes "laioffer"
public class Solution {
public String replace(String input, String source, String target) {
// Write your solution here
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int start = 0;
int match = input.indexOf(source, start);
while (match != -1) {
// append end index exclusive
sb.append(input, start, match).append(target);
start = match + source.length();
match = input.indexOf(source, start);
sb.append(input, start, input.length());
return sb.toString();

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