
The map of the capital of Berland can be viewed on the infinite coordinate plane. Each point with integer coordinates contains a building, and there are streets connecting every building to four neighbouring buildings. All streets are parallel to the coordinate axes.

The main school of the capital is located in (sx,sy)(sx,sy)(sx,sy). There are n students attending this school, the i-th of them lives in the house located in (xi,yi). It is possible that some students live in the same house, but no student lives in (sx,sy)(sx,sy)(sx,sy).

After classes end, each student walks from the school to his house along one of the shortest paths. So the distance the iii-th student goes from the school to his house is ∣sx−xi∣+∣sy−yi∣|s_x−x_i|+|s_y−y_i|∣sx​−xi​∣+∣sy​−yi​∣.

The Provision Department of Berland has decided to open a shawarma tent somewhere in the capital (at some point with integer coordinates). It is considered that the iii-th student will buy a shawarma if at least one of the shortest paths from the school to the iii

-th student’s house goes through the point where the shawarma tent is located. It is forbidden to place the shawarma tent at the point where the school is located, but the coordinates of the shawarma tent may coincide with the coordinates of the house of some student (or even multiple students).

You want to find the maximum possible number of students buying shawarma and the optimal location for the tent itself.


The first line contains three integers nnn, sxsxsx, sy(1≤n≤200000,0≤sx,sy≤109)sy (1≤n≤200000, 0≤sx,sy≤10^9)sy(1≤n≤200000,0≤sx,sy≤109) — the number of students and the coordinates of the school, respectively.

Then nnn lines follow. The iii-th of them contains two integers xi,yi(0≤xi,yi≤109)xi, yi (0≤x_i,y_i≤10^9)xi,yi(0≤xi​,yi​≤109) — the location of the house where the iii-th student lives. Some locations of houses may coincide, but no student lives in the same location where the school is situated.


The output should consist of two lines. The first of them should contain one integer ccc — the maximum number of students that will buy shawarmas at the tent.

The second line should contain two integers pxp_xpx​ and pyp_ypy​ — the coordinates where the tent should be located. If there are multiple answers, print any of them. Note that each of pxp_xpx​ and pyp_ypy​ should be not less than 000 and not greater than 10910^9109.








  1. 点在原点的左上方,那么建筑在原点左一格和原点上一格都可以让该点产生贡献。
  2. 点在原点的左下方,那么建筑在原点左一格和原点下一格都可以让该点产生贡献。
  3. 点在原点的右上方,那么建筑在原点右一格和原点上一格都可以让该点产生贡献。
  4. 点在原点右下方,那么建筑在原点右一格和原点下一格都可以让该点产生贡献。









#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
inline char nc()
static char buf[1000000],*p1 = buf,*p2 = buf;
return p1==p2&&(p2=(p1=buf)+fread(buf,1,1000000,stdin),p1==p2)?EOF:*p1++;
template<typename T>
void read(T &r)
static char c; r=0;
int n,p,q;
int l,r,top,bottom;
inline int max(const int &a,const int &b){return a>b?a:b;}
int main()
int x,y;
if(x < p)
else if(x > p)
if(y > q)
else if(y < q)
int maxx = max(l,max(r,max(top,bottom)));
if(maxx == l)
printf("%d %d",p - 1,q);
else if(maxx == r)
printf("%d %d",p + 1,q);
else if(maxx == top)
printf("%d %d",p,q+1);
printf("%d %d",p,q-1);
return 0;

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