

 #include <limits>
 using namespace std;

 ifstream fin("butter.in");
 ofstream fout("butter.out");


 struct vertex
         int end,len;
 vertex adj[MAX][MAX];

 }, cowpos[]={}, n, p, c;
 int distances[MAX];

 int search(int start)
         memset(pushed, , sizeof(pushed));
         ; k <= p; k++)
             distances[k] = numeric_limits<int>::max();

         queue<int> Q;
         pushed[start] = true;
         distances[start] = ;
                 int x = Q.front();
                 pushed[x] = false;
                 ; j < cnt[x]; j++)
                         if(distances[x]+adj[x][j].len < distances[adj[x][j].end])
                                 distances[adj[x][j].end] = distances[x]+adj[x][j].len;
                                         pushed[adj[x][j].end] = true;


         ; i<=n; i++)
                 else  ans+=distances[cowpos[i]];
         return ans;

 int main()
         memset(cnt, , sizeof(cnt));
         ; i<=n; i++)

         , s, t, value; i <= c; i++)
                 adj[s][cnt[s]].end = t; adj[s][cnt[s]].len = value; cnt[s]++;
                 adj[t][cnt[t]].end = s; adj[t][cnt[t]].len = value; cnt[t]++;

         int res, mins = numeric_limits<int>::max();
         ; i <= p; i++)
                 res = search(i);
                 ) mins  =  res;


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