Besides heap, multiset<int> can also be used:

class Solution {
void removeOnly1(multiset<int> &ms, int v)
auto pr = ms.equal_range(v);
} void remove(multiset<int> &lmax, multiset<int> &rmin, int v)
if(v <= *lmax.rbegin())
removeOnly1(lmax, v);
if(lmax.size() < rmin.size())
int tmp = *rmin.begin();
removeOnly1(rmin, tmp);
else if(v >= *rmin.begin())
removeOnly1(rmin, v);
if((lmax.size() - rmin.size()) > )
int tmp = *lmax.rbegin();
removeOnly1(lmax, tmp);
} void addin(multiset<int> &lmax, multiset<int> &rmin, int v)
int lmax_v = *lmax.rbegin();
int size_l = lmax.size(), size_r = rmin.size();
if(v <= lmax_v) // to add left
if((size_l + - size_r) > )
int tmp = *lmax.rbegin();
removeOnly1(lmax, tmp);
if((size_r + )> size_l)
int tmp = *rmin.begin();
removeOnly1(rmin, tmp);
* @param nums: A list of integers.
* @return: The median of the element inside the window at each moving
vector<int> medianSlidingWindow(vector<int> &nums, int k) {
vector<int> ret; multiset<int> lmax, rmin; // sizeof(lmax) - sizeof(rmin) -> [0,1] size_t n = nums.size();
for(int i = ; i < n; i ++)
if(i >= k)
remove(lmax, rmin, nums[i - k]);
} //
addin(lmax, rmin, nums[i]);
if(i >= k - )
return ret;

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