
[日期:2012-04-21] 来源:Linux社区  作者:chain2012 [字体: ]


error:failed to push some refs to ...

Dealing with “non-fast-forward” errors
From time to time you may encounter this error while pushing:

  1. $ git push origin master
  2. To ../remote/
  3. ! [rejected]        master -> master (non-fast forward)
  4. error: failed to push some refs to '../remote/'

To prevent you from losing history, non-fast-forward updates were rejected
Merge the remote changes before pushing again.  See the 'non-fast forward'
section of 'git push --help' for details.
error can be a bit overwhelming at first, do not fear. Simply put, git
cannot make the change on the remote without losing commits, so it
refuses the push. Usually this is caused by another user pushing to the
same branch. You can remedy this by fetching and merging the remote
branch, or using pull to perform both at once.
In other cases this
error is a result of destructive changes made locally by using commands
like git commit --amend or git rebase. While you can override the remote
by adding --force to the push command, you should only do so if you are
absolutely certain this is what you want to do. Force-pushes can cause
issues for other users that have fetched the remote branch, and is
considered bad practice. When in doubt, don’t force-push.



$ git fetch

$ git merge


  1. $ git pull


上面出现的 [branch "master"]是需要明确(.git/config)如下的内容
[branch "master"]
    remote = origin

merge = refs/heads/master


1,当你处于master branch, 默认的remote就是origin。

2,当你在master branch上使用git pull时,没有指定remote和branch,那么git就会采用默认的remote(也就是origin)来merge在master branch上所有的改变


  1. $ git config branch.master.remote origin
  2. $ git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master

之后再重新git pull下。最后git push你的代码吧。it works now~


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