data = """

Well,We will bet you dollars to donuts,there are so many crusher
provider which are sale-and-run type company that make you a long-

tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs to choice the best

equimpments for quarry or mining.Wait,what is the sale-and-run type

company?Typically,the sale-and-run type company is that before they

sale the crushing equimpents,they will service the customers as God so

that they can contract with the clients.But,after they sale out their

machines,they will think less of the clients and ignore any problems

from the clients.That called sale-and-run type company.

How Does SBM Avoid the Sale-and-Run

As we all know,from the buliding a brand perspective to think the

sale-and-run type business model,it will bring some orders of the

products,but it will damage the reputation of your company and for the

long time term,your business will fewer and fewer.In the last of the

day of the comapany,the owner has to close the door and go home.

Well,the SBM use a special way to avoid the sale-and-run situation:

First,we have a special agent to investigate every order,from the

negotiation,the price to the service along the whole service line for

the clients,include pre-sale service, service during the sale, and

after-sale service. Second,we make the customer service hotline opened

for 24*7 to wait the customers give their problems, we will set our

engineers to solve in time.

The most important point,our evaluation based on customer sales staff

performance appraisal, rather than just based on their sales. The

Sale-and-run Type Compnay Well,We will bet you dollars to donuts,there

are so many crusher provider which are sale-and-run type company that

make you a long- tailed cat in a room full ofrocking crusherto choice

the best equimpments for quarry or mining.Wait,what is the...


print data

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