
  • Red Hat Customer Portal
  • Certificate Based Subscription
  • Red Hat Subscription Management (RHSM)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux


  • How to delete System Profiles from Red Hat Subscription Management (RHSM)?
  • How to delete System Profiles managed by subscription-manager or RHSM?


Via WebUI

  • Delete system profile on Customer Portal
    1. Log in to the Red Hat Customer Portal.
    2. Click on Subscriptions at the upper left. Then click on Systems under the Manage header.
    3. Check the box to the left of the system to be deleted from the service.
    4. Click the Delete Selected box in the bottom left side of the page.
    5. Confirm the deletion and removal of the system by clicking the Delete Selected button.

  • After the deletion, please also execute this command in the system:

    # subscription-manager clean

    to clean useless subscription data.

Via Command Line

  • Delete system profile locally

    # subscription-manager remove --all
    # subscription-manager unregister
    # subscription-manager clean 转载: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/228883

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