Not able to solve this problem during the contest (virtual participation).

The first observation is that if we can identify $N-1$ balls of which half is blue and the other half is red, then with these $N - 1$ balls we can identify the color of the rest $N+1$ balls.

It's not hard to note that if there are more blue balls than red balls among balls numbered from $l$ to $l + N - 1$ but less among balls numbered from $l + 1$ to $l + N$, we then know that

  1. The $l$-th ball and the $l+N$-th ball must be of different colors.
  2. The $l$-th ball must be blue and the $l+N$-th ball must be red.
  3. There are equal number of blue and red balls among balls numbered from $l + 1$ to $l+N - 1$.

The problem is whether such $l$ even exists? The answer is ,fortunately, YES.

Here comes the second interesting observation:

Let's assume without loss of generality, there are more blue balls than red balls among the first $N$ balls, then there must be more red balls among the last $N$ balls. So such $l$ as described above must exist, and we can find one using binary search which costs at most $\log_2 N + 1$ queries. When the binary search finishes, we get $l$ and the color of the $l$-th and $l+N$-th balls.

When $l$ is found, for each ball numbered from $1$ to $l - 1$ or from $l + N + 1$ to $2N$, we can know its color with a query. Note that exactly half of these $N - 1$ known balls are blue, so we can use these balls to identify color of balls numbered from $l + 1$ to $l + N -1$ in a similar way.


int main() {
int n;
cin >> n;
auto ask = [&](int l) {
cout > res;
return res.front();
char ml = ask(1);
int l = 1, r = n + 1; while (r - l > 1) {

int mid = l + (r - l) / 2;

if (ask(mid) == ml) {

l = mid;

} else {

r = mid;



vector ans(2 * n + 1);

ans[l] = ml;

ans[l + n] = ml == 'R' ? 'B' : 'R'; auto ask2 = [&](int pos) {

cout << '?';

for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {

cout << ' ' << l + i;


cout << ' ' << pos << endl;

string res;

cin >> res;

return res.front();


// [l + 1, l + n)

rng (i, 1, 2 * n + 1) {

if (i < l || i > l + n) {

ans[i] = ask2(i);



auto ask3 = [&](int pos) {

cout << '?';

rng (i, 1, 2 * n + 1) {

if (i < l || i > l + n) {

cout << ' ' << i;



cout << ' ' << pos << endl;

string res;

cin >> res;

return res.front();


rng (i, l + 1, l + n) {

ans[i] = ask3(i);

} cout << "! ";

for (int i = 1; i <= 2 * n; i++) {

cout << ans[i];


cout << '\n';

return 0;


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