Cats(2)- Free语法组合,Coproduct-ADT composition
上篇我们介绍了Free类型可以作为一种嵌入式编程语言DSL在函数式编程中对某种特定功能需求进行描述。一个完整的应用可能会涉及多样的关联功能,但如果我们为每个应用都设计一套DSL的话,那么在我们的函数式编程中将会不断重复的功能相似的DSL。我们应该秉承函数式编程的核心思想:函数组合(compositionality)来实现DSL的组合:把DSL拆解成最基础语句ADT,然后用这些ADT来组合成适合应用功能要求的完整DSL。我们还是使用上篇那个Interact DSL,这次再增加一个Login功能:
object FreeModules {
object ADTs {
sealed trait Interact[+A]
object Interact {
case class Ask(prompt: String) extends Interact[String]
case class Tell(msg: String) extends Interact[Unit]
type FreeInteract[A] = Free[Interact,A]
def ask(prompt: String): FreeInteract[String] = Free.liftF(Ask(prompt))
def tell(msg: String): FreeInteract[Unit] = Free.liftF(Tell(msg))
} sealed trait Login[+A]
object Login {
type FreeLogin[A] = Free[Login,A]
case class Authenticate(user: String, pswd: String) extends Login[Boolean]
def authenticate(user: String, pswd: String): FreeLogin[Boolean] =
} } }
object DSLs {
import ADTs._
import Interact._
import Login._
val interactDSL: FreeInteract[Unit] = for {
first <- ask("What's your first name?")
last <- ask("What's your last name?")
_ <- tell(s"Hello, $first $last!")
} yield() val loginDSL: FreeLogin[Boolean] = for {
login <- authenticate("Tiger","")
} yield login
val interactLoginDSL: Free[???,Boolean] = for {
uid <- ask("Enter your User ID:")
psw <- ask("Enter your Password:")
aut <- authenticate(uid,pwd)
} yield aut
/** `F` on the left and `G` on the right of [[scala.util.Either]].
* @param run The underlying [[scala.util.Either]].
final case class Coproduct[F[_], G[_], A](run: Either[F[A], G[A]]) {...}
Coproduct 的每一个节点(Either[F[A],G[A]])都是一个ADT,F[A]或者G[A]。我们可以用多层递归Coproduce结构来构建一个多语法的树形结构,如:
type H[A] = Coproduct[F,G,A]
type I[A] = Coproduct[H,X,A]
type J[A] = Coproduct[J,Y,A] //ADT(F,G,X,Y)
type InteractLogin[A] = Coproduct[Interact,Login,A]
sealed abstract class Inject[F[_], G[_]] {
def inj[A](fa: F[A]): G[A] def prj[A](ga: G[A]): Option[F[A]]
} private[free] sealed abstract class InjectInstances {
implicit def catsFreeReflexiveInjectInstance[F[_]]: Inject[F, F] =
new Inject[F, F] {
def inj[A](fa: F[A]): F[A] = fa def prj[A](ga: F[A]): Option[F[A]] = Some(ga)
} implicit def catsFreeLeftInjectInstance[F[_], G[_]]: Inject[F, Coproduct[F, G, ?]] =
new Inject[F, Coproduct[F, G, ?]] {
def inj[A](fa: F[A]): Coproduct[F, G, A] = Coproduct.leftc(fa) def prj[A](ga: Coproduct[F, G, A]): Option[F[A]] =, _ => None)
} implicit def catsFreeRightInjectInstance[F[_], G[_], H[_]](implicit I: Inject[F, G]): Inject[F, Coproduct[H, G, ?]] =
new Inject[F, Coproduct[H, G, ?]] {
def inj[A](fa: F[A]): Coproduct[H, G, A] = Coproduct.rightc(I.inj(fa)) def prj[A](ga: Coproduct[H, G, A]): Option[F[A]] = => None, I.prj)
inj[A](fa: F[A]):G[A]代表将F[A]注入更大的语法集G[A]。cats提供了三种实现了ink函数的Inject隐式实例:
val selfInj = implicitly[Inject[Interact,Interact]]
type LeftInterLogin[A] = Coproduct[Interact,Login,A]
val leftInj = implicitly[Inject[Interact,LeftInterLogin]]
type RightInterLogin[A] = Coproduct[Login,LeftInterLogin,A]
val rightInj = implicitly[Inject[Interact,RightInterLogin]]
object ADTs {
sealed trait Interact[+A]
object Interact {
case class Ask(prompt: String) extends Interact[String]
case class Tell(msg: String) extends Interact[Unit]
type FreeInteract[A] = Free[Interact,A]
//def ask(prompt: String): FreeInteract[String] = Free.liftF(Ask(prompt))
//def tell(msg: String): FreeInteract[Unit] = Free.liftF(Tell(msg))
def ask[G[_]](prompt: String)(implicit I: Inject[Interact,G]): Free[G,String] =
def tell[G[_]](msg: String)(implicit I: Inject[Interact,G]): Free[G,Unit] =
} sealed trait Login[+A]
object Login {
type FreeLogin[A] = Free[Login,A]
case class Authenticate(user: String, pswd: String) extends Login[Boolean]
//def authenticate(user: String, pswd: String): FreeLogin[Boolean] =
// Free.liftF(Authenticate(user,pswd))
def authenticate[G[_]](user: String, pswd: String)(implicit I: Inject[Login,G]): Free[G,Boolean] =
object DSLs {
import ADTs._
import Interact._
import Login._
val interactDSL: FreeInteract[Unit] = for {
first <- ask("What's your first name?")
last <- ask("What's your last name?")
_ <- tell(s"Hello, $first $last!")
} yield() val loginDSL: FreeLogin[Boolean] = for {
login <- authenticate("Tiger","")
} yield login type InteractLogin[A] = Coproduct[Interact,Login,A]
val interactLoginDSL: Free[InteractLogin,Boolean] = for {
uid <- ask[InteractLogin]("Enter your User ID:")
pwd <- ask[InteractLogin]("Enter your Password:")
aut <- authenticate[InteractLogin](uid,pwd)
} yield aut
object IMPLs {
import cats.{Id,~>}
import ADTs._,Interact._,Login._
import DSLs._
object InteractConsole extends (Interact ~> Id) {
def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): Id[A] = ia match {
case Ask(p) => {println(p); readLine}
case Tell(m) => println(m)
object LoginMock extends (Login ~> Id) {
def apply[A](la: Login[A]): Id[A] = la match {
case Authenticate(u,p) => if (u == "Tiger" && p == "") true else false
val interactLoginMock: (InteractLogin ~> Id) = InteractConsole.or(LoginMock)
import Dependencies._
type ReaderPass[A] = Reader[PasswordControl,A]
object LoginToReader extends (Login ~> ReaderPass) {
def apply[A](la: Login[A]): ReaderPass[A] = la match {
case Authenticate(u,p) => Reader{pc => pc.matchUserPassword(u,p)}
object InteractToReader extends (Interact ~> ReaderPass) {
def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): ReaderPass[A] = ia match {
case Ask(p) => {println(p); Reader(pc => readLine)}
case Tell(m) => {println(m); Reader(pc => ())}
val userLogin: (InteractLogin ~> ReaderPass) = InteractToReader or LoginToReader
object Dependencies {
trait PasswordControl {
val mapPasswords: Map[String,String]
def matchUserPassword(uid: String, pwd: String): Boolean
我们用Reader来注入PasswordControl这个外部依赖(dependency injection IOC)。因为Interact和Login结合形成的是一个统一的语句集,所以我们必须进行Interact与ReaderPass对应。下面我们先构建一个PasswordControl对象作为模拟数据,然后试运行:
object catsComposeFree extends App {
import Dependencies._
import FreeModules._
import DSLs._
import IMPLs._
object UserPasswords extends PasswordControl {
override val mapPasswords: Map[String, String] = Map(
"Tiger" -> "",
"John" -> ""
override def matchUserPassword(uid: String, pwd: String): Boolean =
mapPasswords.getOrElse(uid,pwd+"!") == pwd
} val r = interactLoginDSL.foldMap(userLogin).run(UserPasswords)
println(r) }
Enter your User ID:
Enter your Password: true
Enter your User ID:
Enter your Password: false
val userLoginDSL: Free[InteractLogin,Unit] = for {
uid <- ask[InteractLogin]("Enter your User ID:")
pwd <- ask[InteractLogin]("Enter your Password:")
aut <- authenticate[InteractLogin](uid,pwd)
_ <- if (aut) tell[InteractLogin](s"Hello $uid")
else tell[InteractLogin]("Sorry, who are you?")
} yield()
//val r = interactLoginDSL.foldMap(userLogin).run(UserPasswords)
Enter your User ID:
Enter your Password: Hello Tiger
Enter your User ID:
Enter your Password: Sorry, who are you?
sealed trait Auth[+A]
object Auth {
case class Authorize(uid: String) extends Auth[Boolean]
def authorize[G[_]](uid:String)(implicit I: Inject[Auth,G]): Free[G,Boolean] =
object Dependencies {
trait PasswordControl {
val mapPasswords: Map[String,String]
def matchUserPassword(uid: String, pwd: String): Boolean
trait PermControl {
val mapAuthorized: Map[String,Boolean]
def authorized(uid: String): Boolean
import Auth._
type Permit[A] = Coproduct[Auth,InteractLogin,A]
val userPermitDSL: Free[Permit,Unit] = for {
uid <- ask[Permit]("Enter your User ID:")
pwd <- ask[Permit]("Enter your Password:")
auth <- authenticate[Permit](uid,pwd)
perm <- if(auth) authorize[Permit](uid)
else Free.pure[Permit,Boolean](false)
_ <- if (perm) tell[Permit](s"Hello $uid, welcome to the program!")
else tell[Permit]("Sorry, no no no!")
} yield()
很遗憾,这段代码无法通过编译,cats还无法处理多层递归Coproduct。对Coproduct的处理scalaz还是比较成熟的,我在之前写过一篇scalaz Coproduct Free的博客,里面用的例子就是三种语法的DSL。实际上不单只是Coproduct的问题,现在看来cats.Free对即使很简单的应用功能也有着很复杂无聊的代码需求,这是我们无法接受的。由于Free编程在函数式编程里占据着如此重要的位置,我们暂时还没有其它选择,所以必须寻找一个更好的编程工具才行,freeK就是个这样的函数组件库。我们将在下篇讨论里用freeK来实现多种语法DSL编程。
import{Free, Inject}
object FreeModules {
object ADTs {
sealed trait Interact[+A]
object Interact {
case class Ask(prompt: String) extends Interact[String]
case class Tell(msg: String) extends Interact[Unit]
type FreeInteract[A] = Free[Interact,A]
//def ask(prompt: String): FreeInteract[String] = Free.liftF(Ask(prompt))
//def tell(msg: String): FreeInteract[Unit] = Free.liftF(Tell(msg))
def ask[G[_]](prompt: String)(implicit I: Inject[Interact,G]): Free[G,String] =
def tell[G[_]](msg: String)(implicit I: Inject[Interact,G]): Free[G,Unit] =
} sealed trait Login[+A]
object Login {
type FreeLogin[A] = Free[Login,A]
case class Authenticate(user: String, pswd: String) extends Login[Boolean]
//def authenticate(user: String, pswd: String): FreeLogin[Boolean] =
// Free.liftF(Authenticate(user,pswd))
def authenticate[G[_]](user: String, pswd: String)(implicit I: Inject[Login,G]): Free[G,Boolean] =
} sealed trait Auth[+A]
object Auth {
case class Authorize(uid: String) extends Auth[Boolean]
def authorize[G[_]](uid:String)(implicit I: Inject[Auth,G]): Free[G,Boolean] =
val selfInj = implicitly[Inject[Interact,Interact]]
type LeftInterLogin[A] = Coproduct[Interact,Login,A]
val leftInj = implicitly[Inject[Interact,LeftInterLogin]]
type RightInterLogin[A] = Coproduct[Login,LeftInterLogin,A]
val rightInj = implicitly[Inject[Interact,RightInterLogin]]
} object DSLs {
import ADTs._
import Interact._
import Login._
val interactDSL: FreeInteract[Unit] = for {
first <- ask("What's your first name?")
last <- ask("What's your last name?")
_ <- tell(s"Hello, $first $last!")
} yield() val loginDSL: FreeLogin[Boolean] = for {
login <- authenticate("Tiger","")
} yield login type InteractLogin[A] = Coproduct[Interact,Login,A]
val interactLoginDSL: Free[InteractLogin,Boolean] = for {
uid <- ask[InteractLogin]("Enter your User ID:")
pwd <- ask[InteractLogin]("Enter your Password:")
aut <- authenticate[InteractLogin](uid,pwd)
} yield aut
val userLoginDSL: Free[InteractLogin,Unit] = for {
uid <- ask[InteractLogin]("Enter your User ID:")
pwd <- ask[InteractLogin]("Enter your Password:")
aut <- authenticate[InteractLogin](uid,pwd)
_ <- if (aut) tell[InteractLogin](s"Hello $uid")
else tell[InteractLogin]("Sorry, who are you?")
} yield()
/* import Auth._
type Permit[A] = Coproduct[Auth,InteractLogin,A]
val userPermitDSL: Free[Permit,Unit] = for {
uid <- ask[Permit]("Enter your User ID:")
pwd <- ask[Permit]("Enter your Password:")
auth <- authenticate[Permit](uid,pwd)
perm <- if(auth) authorize[Permit](uid)
else Free.pure[Permit,Boolean](false)
_ <- if (perm) tell[Permit](s"Hello $uid, welcome to the program!")
else tell[Permit]("Sorry, no no no!")
} yield() */
object IMPLs {
import cats.{Id,~>}
import ADTs._,Interact._,Login._
import DSLs._
object InteractConsole extends (Interact ~> Id) {
def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): Id[A] = ia match {
case Ask(p) => {println(p); readLine}
case Tell(m) => println(m)
object LoginMock extends (Login ~> Id) {
def apply[A](la: Login[A]): Id[A] = la match {
case Authenticate(u,p) => if (u == "Tiger" && p == "") true else false
val interactLoginMock: (InteractLogin ~> Id) = InteractConsole.or(LoginMock)
import Dependencies._
type ReaderPass[A] = Reader[PasswordControl,A]
object LoginToReader extends (Login ~> ReaderPass) {
def apply[A](la: Login[A]): ReaderPass[A] = la match {
case Authenticate(u,p) => Reader{pc => pc.matchUserPassword(u,p)}
object InteractToReader extends (Interact ~> ReaderPass) {
def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): ReaderPass[A] = ia match {
case Ask(p) => {println(p); Reader(pc => readLine)}
case Tell(m) => {println(m); Reader(pc => ())}
val userLogin: (InteractLogin ~> ReaderPass) = InteractToReader or LoginToReader }
object Dependencies {
trait PasswordControl {
val mapPasswords: Map[String,String]
def matchUserPassword(uid: String, pwd: String): Boolean
trait PermControl {
val mapAuthorized: Map[String,Boolean]
def authorized(uid: String): Boolean
} object catsComposeFree extends App {
import Dependencies._
import FreeModules._
import DSLs._
import IMPLs._
object UserPasswords extends PasswordControl {
override val mapPasswords: Map[String, String] = Map(
"Tiger" -> "",
"John" -> ""
override def matchUserPassword(uid: String, pwd: String): Boolean =
mapPasswords.getOrElse(uid,pwd+"!") == pwd
} //val r = interactLoginDSL.foldMap(userLogin).run(UserPasswords)
userLoginDSL.foldMap(userLogin).run(UserPasswords) }
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