张宁 Collaborative Mapping with Pose Uncertainties using different Radio Frequencies and Communication Modules


Cornelia Schulz, Richard Hanten, Matthias Reisenauer and Andreas Zell

Many robotic applications, especially exploration scenarios, benefit from deploying multiple collaborating robots with the aim of parallelizing and therefore accelerating the involved task. One critical part of a multi-robot system is its communication system. Depending on the application scenario, high-bandwidth wireless connections, such as WiFi, may not always be available and suffer from a limited communication range. On the other hand, low-bandwith systems require the application itself to deal with limited information exchange. In this work, we present a novel approach for collaborative mapping using mixtures of occupancy and NDT maps (called ONDT), which provide detailed information at low resolutions and in which the pose uncertainty can be encoded efficiently. Further, we compare the applicability of three different radio frequency modules operating at different frequencies in real world experiments with five robots at large distances.


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