Index of /dist/tomcat/tomcat-6/v6.0.53
Apache Tomcat 6.0.53
Useful references:
- Release notes, with important information about known issues
- Changelog
NOTE: The tar files in this distribution use GNU tar extensions, and must be untarred with a GNU compatible version of tar. The version of tar
on Solaris and Mac OS X will not work with these files.
Tomcat 6.0 requires JRE 5.0 or later. Read the RELEASE-NOTES and the RUNNING.txt file in the distribution for more details.
Packaging Details (or "What Should I Download?")
- bin/
- apache-tomcat-[version].zip or .tar.gz
- Base distribution. These distributions do not include the Windows service wrapper nor the compiled APR/native library for Windows.
- apache-tomcat-[version].exe
- 32-bit/64-bit Windows installer for Tomcat. Please note that while this distribution includes the vast majority of the base distribution, some of the command-line scripts for launching Tomcat are not included. This distribution is intended for those users planning to launch Tomcat through the Windows shortcuts or services.
- apache-tomcat-[version]
- 32-bit Windows specific distribution that includes the Windows service wrapper and the compiled APR/native library for use with 32-bit JVMs on both 32 and 64 bit Windows platforms.
- apache-tomcat-[version]
- 64-bit Windows specific distribution that includes the Windows service wrapper and the compiled APR/native library for use with 64-bit JVMs on x64 Windows platforms.
- apache-tomcat-[version] or .tar.gz
- The standalone Tomcat Web Application Deployer.
- apache-tomcat-[version]-fulldocs.tar.gz
- The Tomcat documentation bundle, including complete javadocs.
- bin/extras/
- Additional components. See documentation.
- src/
- apache-tomcat-[version].zip or .tar.gz
- The source code. See building instructions.
Thank you for using Tomcat!.
The Apache Tomcat Project
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