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  • Frame Types | 帧类型
  • STREAM Frame | 流类型帧
  • ACK Frame | ACK帧
  • STOP_WAITING Frame | 停止等待帧
  • WINDOW_UPDATE Frame | 窗口更新帧
  • BLOCKED Frame | 阻塞信息帧
  • PADDING Frame | 填充帧
  • RST_STREAM Frame | 流重置帧
  • PING frame | PING帧
  • CONNECTION_CLOSE frame | 连接关闭帧

Frame Types and Formats | 帧类型和格式

QUIC Frame Packets are populated by frames. which have a Frame Type byte, which itself has a type-dependent interpretation, followed by type-dependent frame header fields. All frames are contained within single QUIC Packets and no frame can span across a QUIC Packet boundary.


Frame Types | 帧类型

There are two interpretations for the Frame Type byte, resulting in two frame types: Special Frame Types, and Regular Frame Types. Special Frame Types encode both a Frame Type and corresponding flags all in the Frame Type byte, while Regular Frame Types use the Frame Type byte simply.


Currently defined Special Frame Types are:


  1. --- src
  2. +------------------+-----------------------------+
  3. | Type-field value | Control Frame-type |
  4. +------------------+-----------------------------+
  5. | 1fdooossB | STREAM |
  6. | 01ntllmmB | ACK |
  7. | 001xxxxxB | CONGESTION_FEEDBACK |
  8. +------------------+-----------------------------+
  9. ---

Currently defined Regular Frame Types are:


  1. --- src
  2. +------------------+-----------------------------+
  3. | Type-field value | Control Frame-type |
  4. +------------------+-----------------------------+
  5. | 00000000B (0x00) | PADDING |
  6. | 00000001B (0x01) | RST_STREAM |
  7. | 00000010B (0x02) | CONNECTION_CLOSE |
  8. | 00000011B (0x03) | GOAWAY |
  9. | 00000100B (0x04) | WINDOW_UPDATE |
  10. | 00000101B (0x05) | BLOCKED |
  11. | 00000110B (0x06) | STOP_WAITING |
  12. | 00000111B (0x07) | PING |
  13. +------------------+-----------------------------+
  14. ---

STREAM Frame | 流类型帧

The STREAM frame is used to both implicitly create a stream and to send data on it, and is as follows:


  1. --- src
  2. 0 1 SLEN
  3. +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
  4. |Type (8)| Stream ID (8, 16, 24, or 32 bits) |
  5. | | (Variable length SLEN bytes) |
  6. +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
  8. +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
  9. | Offset (0, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, or 64 bits) (variable length) |
  10. | (Variable length: OLEN bytes) |
  11. +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
  13. +-------------+-------------+
  14. | Data length (0 or 16 bits)|
  15. | Optional(maybe 0 bytes) |
  16. +------------+--------------+
  17. ---

The fields in the STREAM frame header are as follows:

  • Frame Type: The Frame Type byte is an 8-bit value containing various flags (1fdooossB):

    • The leftmost bit must be set to 1 indicating that this is a STREAM frame.
    • The 'f' bit is the FIN bit. When set to 1, this bit indicates the sender is done sending on this stream and wishes to "half-close" (described in more detail later.)
    • which is described in more detail later in this document.
    • The 'd' bit indicates whether a Data Length is present in the STREAM header. When set to 0, this field indicates that the STREAM frame extends to the end of the Packet.
    • The next three 'ooo' bits encode the length of the Offset header field as 0, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, or 64 bits long.
    • The next two 'ss' bits encode the length of the Stream ID header field as 8, 16, 24, or 32 bits long.
  • Stream ID: A variable-sized unsigned ID unique to this stream.
  • Offset: A variable-sized unsigned number specifying the byte offset in the stream for this block of data.
  • Data length: An optional 16-bit unsigned number specifying the length of the data in this stream frame. The option to omit the length should only be used when the packet is a "full-sized" Packet, to avoid the risk of corruption via padding.


  • 帧类型: 8bit,包含可变的标志(1fdooossB):

    • 最左边的bit必须设置为1标志这是一个流类型帧。
    • 'f' bit是Fin bit。如果设置为1,标识发送端完成了这条流上的发送并且希望进入半关闭状态(后续再讨论细节)。
    • 'd' bit标识当前流的头中是否包含数据长度。如果设置为0,标识这个流类型帧的大小为包的大小。
    • 接下来的'ooo' 3个bit编码了头中偏移的长度,比如0,16,24,32,40,48,56,64bit长。
    • 接下来的'ss'两个bit编码了头中流ID的长度,比如8,16,24,32bit长。
  • 流ID: 一个可变长度的无符号整型用于唯一标识这条流
  • 偏移: 一个可变长度的无符号整型标识这块数据在流上的偏移
  • 数据长度: 可选的16bit无符号整型标识这个类型帧的数据长度。当这个包的长度是一个完全大小时可以省略这个字段,用于避免填充的风险。

A stream frame must always have either non-zero data length or the FIN bit set.


ACK Frame | ACK帧

The ACK frame is sent to inform the peer which packets have been received, as well as which packets are still considered missing by the receiver (the contents of missing packets may need to be resent). The ack frame contains between 1 and 256 ack blocks. Ack blocks are ranges of acknowledged packets, similar to TCP’s SACK blocks, but QUIC has no equivalent of TCP’s cumulative ack point, because packets are retransmitted with new sequence numbers.


To limit the ACK blocks to the ones that haven't yet been received by the peer, the peer periodically sends STOP_WAITING frames that signal the receiver to stop acking packets below a specified sequence number, raising the "least unacked" packet number at the receiver. A sender of an ACK frame thus reports only those ACK blocks between the received least unacked and the reported largest observed packet numbers. It is recommended for the sender to send the most recent largest acked packet it has received in an ack as the stop waiting frame’s least unacked value.


Unlike TCP SACKs, QUIC ACK blocks are irrevocable, so once a packet is acked, even if it does not appear in a future ack frame, it is assumed to be acked.


As a replacement for QUIC’s deprecated entropy, the sender can intentionally skip packet numbers to introduce entropy into the connection. The sender must always close the connection if an unsent packet number is acked, so this mechanism automatically defeats any potential attackers. The ack format is efficient at expressing blocks of missing packets, so this has a low cost to the receiver and sender and efficiently provides up to 8 bits of entropy on demand, rather than incurring the constant overhead and achieving 8 bits of entropy. The 8 bits is the longest gap between ack ranges the ack format can efficiently express.


Section Offsets

0: Start of the ack frame.

T: Byte offset of the start of the timestamp section.

A: Byte offset of the start of the ack block section.

N: Length in bytes of the largest acked.


0: ack帧的开始

T: 时间区域的偏移

A: ack块区域的偏移

N: 最大ack的长度

  1. --- src
  2. 0 1 => N N+1 => A(aka N + 3)
  3. +---------+-------------------------------------------------+--------+--------+
  4. | Type | Largest Acked | Largest Acked |
  5. | (8) | (8, 16, 32, or 48 bits, determined by ll) | Delta Time (16) |
  6. |01nullmm | | |
  7. +---------+-------------------------------------------------+--------+--------+
  8. A A + 1 ==> A + N
  9. +--------+----------------------------------------+
  10. | Number | First Ack |
  11. |Blocks-1| Block Length |
  12. | (opt) |(8, 16, 32 or 48 bits, determined by mm)|
  13. +--------+----------------------------------------+
  14. A + N + 1 A + N + 2 ==> T(aka A + 2N + 1)
  15. +------------+-------------------------------------------------+
  16. | Gap to next| Ack Block Length |
  17. | Block (8) | (8, 16, 32, or 48 bits, determined by mm) |
  18. | (Repeats) | (repeats Number Ranges times) |
  19. +------------+-------------------------------------------------+
  20. T T+1 T+2 (Repeated Num Timestamps)
  21. +----------+--------+---------------------+ ... --------+------------------+
  22. | Num | Delta | Time Since | | Delta | Time |
  23. |Timestamps|Largest | Largest Acked | |Largest | Since Previous |
  24. | (8) | Acked | (32 bits) | | Acked |Timestamp(16 bits)|
  25. +----------+--------+---------------------+ +--------+------------------+
  26. ---

The fields in the ACK frame are as follows:

  • Frame Type: The Frame Type byte is an 8-bit value containing various flags (01nullmmB).

    • The first two bits must be set to 01 indicating that this is an ACK frame.
    • The 'n' bit indicates whether the frame has more than 1 ack range.
    • The 'u' bit is unused.
    • The two 'll' bits encode the length of the Largest Observed field as 1, 2, 4, or 6 bytes long.
    • The two 'mm' bits encode the length of the Missing Packet Sequence Number Delta field as 1, 2, 4, or 6 bytes long.
  • Largest Acked: A variable-sized unsigned value representing the largest packet number the peer has observed.
  • Largest Acked Delta Time: A 16-bit unsigned float with 11 explicit bits of mantissa and 5 bits of explicit exponent, specifying the time elapsed in microseconds from when largest acked was received until this Ack frame was sent. The bit format is loosely modeled after IEEE 754. For example, 1 microsecond is represented as 0x1, which has an exponent of zero, presented in the 5 high order bits, and mantissa of 1, presented in the 11 low order bits. When the explicit exponent is greater than zero, an implicit high-order 12th bit of 1 is assumed in the mantissa. For example, a floating value of 0x800 has an explicit exponent of 1, as well as an explicit mantissa of 0, but then has an effective mantissa of 4096 (12th bit is assumed to be 1). Additionally, the actual exponent is one-less than the explicit exponent, and the value represents 4096 microseconds. Any values larger than the representable range are clamped to 0xFFFF.
  • Ack Block Section:
    • Num Blocks: An optional 8-bit unsigned value specifying one less than the number of ack blocks. Only present if the 'n' flag bit is 1.
    • Ack block length: A variable-sized packet number delta. For the first missing packet range, the ack block starts at largest acked. For the first ack block, the length of the ack block is 1 + this value. For subsequent ack blocks, it is the length of the ack block. For non-first blocks, a value of 0 indicates more than 256 packets in a row were lost.
    • Gap to next block: An 8-bit unsigned value specifying the number of packets between ack blocks.
  • Timestamp Section:
    • Num Timestamp: An 8-bit unsigned value specifying the number of timestamps that are included in this ack frame. There will be this many pairs of <packet number, timestamp> following in the timestamps.
    • Delta Largest Observed: An 8-bit unsigned value specifying the packet number delta from the first timestamp to the largest observed. Therefore, the packet number is the largest observed minus the delta largest observed.
    • First Timestamp: A 32-bit unsigned value specifying the time delta in microseconds, from the beginning of the connection of the arrival of the packet specified by Largest Observed minus Delta Largest Observed.
    • Delta Largest Observed (Repeated): (Same as above.)
    • Time Since Previous Timestamp (Repeated): A 16-bit unsigned value specifying delta from the previous timestamp. It is encoded in the same format as the Ack Delay Time.


  • 帧类型: 8bit,包含了可变内容的标志(01nullmmB)。

    • 前面两个bit必须设置为01来标识这是一个ACK帧。
    • 'n'标识这个帧是否包含一个以上ack区间
    • 'u'没有被使用
    • 'll'这2bit编码了Largest Observed字段的长度,可以是1,2,4,6字节
    • 'mm'这2bit编码了Missing Packet Sequence Number Delta字段的长度,可以是1,2,4,6字节
  • 最大已确认包序号: 一个可变长度的无符号数标识对端收到的最大包序号
  • 最大已确认差值时间: 一个16bit无符号浮点数,协议中的低11bit用于标识尾数,高5bit用于标识指数。该字段用于标识该ack帧的发送时间减去最大已确认包的接收时间,单位微妙。格式的定义近似IEEE754。举例,0x1表示1微妙,指数为0,在高5bit中表示,尾数为1,在低11bit中表示。当协议中的指数部分大于0,尾数隐含的第12bit默认为1。举例,协议中值为0x800的浮点数有一个显式的指数为1,有一个隐式的尾数为0,由于协议中的指数大于1,所以我们认为有一个有效的尾数值4096(尾数隐含的第12位被认为是1)。此外,真正的指数比协议中的指数小1,所以这个值标识4096微秒。任何大于可表示范围的值都被限定为0xFFFF。
  • Ack块区域:
    • 块数量: 一个可选的8bit无符号值,等于ack块的数量减一。只有在'n'标志设置为1时存在。
    • 块大小: 一个可变的包序号差值。对于第一个丢包区间,ack块从最大已ack的序号开始。对于非第一个块,0标识超过256个包丢失了。
    • 下一个块的间隔: 一个8bit无符号值标识ack块之间包的数量。
  • 时间戳区域:
    • 时间戳数量: 一个8bit无符号值标识了ACK帧中有多个时间戳。后面会有多个包序号,时间戳的对
    • 与最大已观察到的差值: 8bit无符号值,标识第一个时间戳和最大已观察到的差值。所以,包号等于最大已观察到的包号减去这个差值。
    • 第一个时间戳: 32位无符号值,标识以微妙为单位的时间差值,等于最大已观察到的包的接收时间减去最大已观察到的差值。
    • 与最大已观察到的差值(重复的): (和上面描述的一样。)
    • 与前一个时间戳的差值(重复的): 16bit无符号值,标识与前一个时间戳的差值。编码方式和Ack延时时间相同。

STOP_WAITING Frame | 停止等待帧

The STOP_WAITING frame is sent to inform the peer that it should not continue to wait for packets with packet numbers lower than a specified value. The packet number is encoded in 1, 2, 4 or 6 bytes, using the same coding length as is specified for the packet number for the enclosing packet's header (specified in the QUIC Frame Packet's Public Flags field.) The frame is as follows:


  1. --- src
  2. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
  3. +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-------+-------+
  4. |Type (8)| Least unacked delta (8, 16, 32, or 48 bits) |
  5. | | (variable length) |
  6. +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------+
  7. ---

The fields in the STOP_WAITING frame are as follows:

  • Frame Type: The Frame Type byte is an 8-bit value that must be set to 0x06 indicating that this is a STOP_WAITING frame.
  • Least Unacked Delta: A variable length packet number delta with the same length as the packet header's packet number. Subtract it from the header's packet number to determine the least unacked. The resulting least unacked is the smallest packet number of any packet for which the sender is still awaiting an ack. If the receiver is missing any packets smaller than this value, the receiver should consider those packets to be irrecoverably lost.


  • 帧类型: 8bit,必须设置成0x06。
  • 最小还没确认序号差值: 一个可变长度的包序号和使用同样长度的包头序号的差值。用包序号减去这个值得到最小还没ack的包序号。最小还没ack的包序号是发送端还在等待ack的所有包序号中最小的序号。如果接收端丢失了任何比这个序号还要小的包,那么接收端应该认为这些包永久丢失了。

WINDOW_UPDATE Frame | 窗口更新帧

The WINDOW_UPDATE frame is used to inform the peer of an increase in an endpoint's flow control receive window. The stream ID can be 0, indicating this WINDOW_UPDATE applies to the connection level flow control window, or > 0 indicating that the specified stream should increase its flow control window. The frame is as follows:

窗口更新帧用来告知对端本端的一次流量控制接收窗口的增长。流ID为0时标识这个窗口更新帧作用于连接层面的流量控制窗口,> 0标识一个指定的流需要增长它的流量控制窗口。这个帧如下定义:

An absolute byte offset is specified, and the receiver of a WINDOW_UPDATE frame may only send up to that number of bytes on the specified stream. Violating flow control by sending further bytes will result in the receiving endpoint closing the connection.


On receipt of multiple WINDOW_UPDATE frames for a specific stream ID, it is only necessary to keep track of the maximum byte offset.


Both stream and session windows start with a default value of 16 KB, but this is typically increased during the handshake. To do this, an endpoint should negotiate the SFCW (Stream Flow Control Window) and CFCW (Connection/Session Flow Control Window) parameters in the handshake. The value associated with each tag should be the number of bytes for initial stream window and initial connection window respectively.



  1. --- src
  2. 0 1 4 5 12
  3. +--------+--------+-- ... --+-------+--------+-- ... --+-------+
  4. |Type(8) | Stream ID (32 bits) | Byte offset (64 bits) |
  5. +--------+--------+-- ... --+-------+--------+-- ... --+-------+
  6. ---

The fields in the WINDOW_UPDATE frame are as follows:

  • Frame Type: The Frame Type byte is an 8-bit value that must be set to 0x04 indicating that this is a WINDOW_UPDATE frame.
  • Stream ID: ID of the stream whose flow control windows is being updated, or 0 to specify the connection-level flow control window.
  • Byte offset: A 64-bit unsigned integer indicating the absolute byte offset of data which can be sent on the given stream. In the case of connection level flow control, the cumulative number of bytes which can be sent on all currently open streams.


  • 帧类型: 8bit,必须设置为0x04
  • 流ID: 需要更新哪个流的流量控制窗口,设置为0则更新连接层面的流量控制窗口。
  • 字节偏移: 64bit无符号整型,标识指定流上可以被发送绝对字节偏移的数据。如果是连接层面的流量控制,那么是连接上当前所有打开的流的总和。

BLOCKED Frame | 阻塞信息帧

The BLOCKED frame is used to indicate to the remote endpoint that this endpoint is ready to send data (and has data to send), but is currently flow control blocked. This is a purely informational frame, which is extremely useful for debugging purposes. A receiver of a BLOCKED frame should simply discard it (after possibly printing a helpful log message). The frame is as follows:


  1. --- src
  2. 0 1 2 3 4
  3. +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
  4. |Type(8) | Stream ID (32 bits) |
  5. +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
  6. ---

The fields in the BLOCKED frame are as follows:

Frame Type: The Frame Type byte is an 8-bit value that must be set to 0x05 indicating that this is a BLOCKED frame.

Stream ID: A 32-bit unsigned number indicating the stream which is flow control blocked. A non-zero Stream ID field specifies the stream that is flow control blocked. When zero, the Stream ID field indicates that the connection is flow control blocked at the connection level.


  • 帧类型: 8bit,必须设置为0x05标志这是一个阻塞信息帧。
  • 流ID: 32bit无符号数表示哪个流被流量控制阻塞了。非0的流ID标识特定的流。流ID为0标识连接在连接层面被流量控制阻塞了。


The CONGESTION_FEEDBACK frame is an experimental frame currently not used. It is intended to provide extra congestion feedback information outside the scope of the standard ack frame. A CONGESTION_FEEDBACK frame must have the first three bits of the Frame Type set to 001. The last 5 bits of the Frame Type field are reserved for future use.


PADDING Frame | 填充帧

The PADDING frame pads a packet with 0x00 bytes. When this frame is encountered, the rest of the packet is expected to be padding bytes. The frame contains 0x00 bytes and extends to the end of the QUIC packet. A PADDING frame only has a Frame Type field, and must have the 8-bit Frame Type field set to 0x00.


RST_STREAM Frame | 流重置帧

The RST_STREAM frame allows for abnormal termination of a stream. When sent by the creator of a stream, it indicates the creator wishes to cancel the stream. When sent by the receiver of a stream, it indicates an error or that the receiver did not want to accept the stream, so the stream should be closed. The frame is as follows:


  1. --- src
  2. 0 1 4 5 12 8 16
  3. +-------+--------+-- ... ----+--------+-- ... ------+-------+-- ... ------+
  4. |Type(8)| StreamID (32 bits) | Byte offset (64 bits)| Error code (32 bits)|
  5. +-------+--------+-- ... ----+--------+-- ... ------+-------+-- ... ------+
  6. ---

The fields in a RST_STREAM frame are as follows:

Frame type: The Frame Type is an 8-bit value that must be set to 0x01 specifying that this is a RST_STREAM frame.

Stream ID: The 32-bit Stream ID of the stream being terminated.

Byte offset: A 64-bit unsigned integer indicating the absolute byte offset of the end of data for this stream.

Error code: A 32-bit QuicErrorCode which indicates why the stream is being closed. QuicErrorCodes are listed later in this document.


  • 帧类型: 8bit,必须设置为0x01。
  • 流ID: 32bit,被关闭的流ID。
  • 字节偏移: 64bit无符号整型标识这条流上结束数据的绝对字节偏移。
  • 错误码: 32bit错误码标识流为什么被关闭。错误码的定义在文档后续部分。

PING frame | PING帧

The PING frame can be used by an endpoint to verify that a peer is still alive. The PING frame contains no payload. The receiver of a PING frame simply needs to ACK the packet containing this frame. The PING frame should be used to keep a connection alive when a stream is open. The default is to do this after 15 seconds of quiescence, which is much shorter than most NATs time out. A PING frame only has a Frame Type field, and must have the 8-bit Frame Type field set to 0x07.


CONNECTION_CLOSE frame | 连接关闭帧

The CONNECTION_CLOSE frame allows for notification that the connection is being closed. If there are streams in flight, those streams are all implicitly closed when the connection is closed. (Ideally, a GOAWAY frame would be sent with enough time that all streams are torn down.) The frame is as follows:


  1. --- src
  2. 0 1 4 5 6 7
  3. +--------+--------+-- ... -----+--------+--------+--------+----- ...
  4. |Type(8) | Error code (32 bits)| Reason phrase | Reason phrase
  5. | | | length (16 bits)|(variable length)
  6. +--------+--------+-- ... -----+--------+--------+--------+----- ...
  7. ---

The fields of a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame are as follows:

Frame Type: An 8-bit value that must be set to 0x02 specifying that this is a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame.

Error Code: A 32-bit field containing the QuicErrorCode which indicates the reason for closing this connection.

Reason Phrase Length: A 16-bit unsigned number specifying the length of the reason phrase. This may be zero if the sender chooses to not give details beyond the QuicErrorCode.

Reason Phrase: An optional human-readable explanation for why the connection was closed.


帧类型: 8bit,必须设置为0x02

错误码: 32bit,标识关闭链接原因的错误码

描述信息长度: 16bit无符号数,标识描述信息的长度。可以为0如果发送端认为在错误码之上不需要给出更详细的信息

描述信息: 可选字段,可读字符串用于解释连接关闭的原因


QUIC Wire Layout Specification - Google 文档

本文作者: yoko

本文链接: http://www.pengrl.com/p/47156/

版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特别声明外,均采用 CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 许可协议。转载请注明出处!

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  5. WebSocket协议中文版

    WebSocket协议中文版 摘要 WebSocket协议实现在受控环境中运行不受信任代码的一个客户端到一个从该代码已经选择加入通信的远程主机之间的全双工通信.用于这个安全模型是通常由web浏览器使用 ...

  6. WIFI基本知识整理

    这里对wifi的802.11协议中比较常见的知识做一个基本的总结和整理,便于后续的学习.因为无线网络中涉及术语很多,并且许多协议都是用英文描述,所以有些地方翻译出来会有歧义,这种情况就直接英文来描述了 ...

  7. wifi基础知识整理

    转自 :http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-9525959-id-3326047.html WIFI基本知识整理 这里对wifi的802.11协议中比较常见的知识做一个基本的总 ...

  8. 关于vp8,vp8与264比较总结

    1 Other Codecs l MSN 使用的video codec “x-rtvc1”,09之前的版本使用的ML20.参考网址: http://www.amsn-project.net/forum ...

  9. Java crash问题分析

    Java的应用有时候会因为各种原因Crash,这时候会产生一个类似java_errorpid.log的错误日志.可以拿到了 这个日志,怎样分析Crash的原因呢?下面我们来详细讨论如何分析java_e ...


  1. Redis之eval+lua实现初步

    目录 目录 1 1. 前言 1 2. 执行方式 1 3. 执行过程 3 4. 使用原则 3 1. 前言 Redis的实现保证eval的执行是原子的,即使eval执行的lua超时,Redis也不会自动终 ...

  2. 洛谷 P1144 最短路计数 题解

    P1144 最短路计数 题目描述 给出一个\(N\)个顶点\(M\)条边的无向无权图,顶点编号为\(1-N\).问从顶点\(1\)开始,到其他每个点的最短路有几条. 输入格式 第一行包含\(2\)个正 ...

  3. CF859E Desk Disorder

    传送门 Luogu Solution 好好思考一下,发现人和座位构成的是一个二分图这还用想? 那么这个时候发现其实我们要求的就是这个二分图完全匹配的方案数,考虑在二分图上的一个连通块,如果是树,那么就 ...

  4. 【Beta】“北航社团帮”测试报告——小程序v2.0与网页端v1.0

    目录 测试计划.过程和结果 后端测试--单元测试与覆盖率 后端测试--压力测试 展示部分数据 平均数据 前端测试--小程序v2.0 授权登录与权限检查 新功能的测试 兼容性测试 性能测试 前端测试-- ...

  5. 【转】目前为止最透彻的的Netty高性能原理和框架架构解析

    转自:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/48591893 1.引言 Netty 是一个广受欢迎的异步事件驱动的Java开源网络应用程序框架,用于快速开发可维护的高性能协议服务器 ...

  6. Android Sensor 架构深入剖析【转】

    本文转载自: 1.Android sensor架构 Android4.0系统内置对传感器的支持达13种,它们分别是:加速度传感器 (accelerometer).磁力传感器(magnetic fiel ...

  7. 微信token介绍

    这里的微信token 有以下三种 1.小程序的token  (appid+appsecret=token) 2.一个是第三方平台token(comment_appid+comment_appsecre ...

  8. nohup: 无法运行命令"java": 没有那个文件或目录

    问题 在一个Linux服务器上有shell 脚本如下: nohup java -jar test.jar >> ./nohup.out 2>&1 & 直接执行脚本 s ...

  9. 判断mysql数据库表和表字段是否存在

    1.判断数据库表是否存在, // mysqlSELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name=#{tableName, ...

  10. Android硬编码——音频编码、视频编码及音视频混合

    视频编解码对许多Android程序员来说都是Android中比较难的一个知识点.在Android 4.1以前,Android并没有提供硬编硬解的API,所以之前基本上都是采用FFMpeg来做视频软件编 ...