论文来自Mikolov等人的《Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space》

论文地址: 66666


skim code and comment https://github.com/graykode/nlp-tutorial:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @time : 2019/11/9 12:53 import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.autograd import Variable
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt dtype = torch.FloatTensor # 3 Words Sentence
sentences = [ "i like dog", "i like cat", "i like animal",
"dog cat animal", "apple cat dog like", "dog fish milk like",
"dog cat eyes like", "i like apple", "apple i hate",
"apple i movie book music like", "cat dog hate", "cat dog like"] word_sequence = " ".join(sentences).split()
word_list = " ".join(sentences).split()
word_list = list(set(word_list))
word_dict = {w: i for i, w in enumerate(word_list)} # Word2Vec Parameter
batch_size = 20 # To show 2 dim embedding graph
embedding_size = 2 # To show 2 dim embedding graph
voc_size = len(word_list) # 产生 batch_size个,每个都是一个input和label, both are ont-hot vector
def random_batch(data, size):
random_inputs = []
random_labels = []
random_index = np.random.choice(range(len(data)), size, replace=False) for i in random_index:
random_inputs.append(np.eye(voc_size)[data[i][0]]) # target
random_labels.append(data[i][1]) # context word return random_inputs, random_labels # Make skip gram of one size window
skip_grams = []
# 从第2个word_sequence开始(index=1),预测index=0和index=2,也就是[index=1,index=0]和[index=1,index=2]的添加到skim_grams中
for i in range(1, len(word_sequence) - 1):
target = word_dict[word_sequence[i]]
context = [word_dict[word_sequence[i - 1]], word_dict[word_sequence[i + 1]]] for w in context:
skip_grams.append([target, w]) # Model
class Word2Vec(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Word2Vec, self).__init__() # W and WT is not Traspose relationship
self.W = nn.Parameter(-2 * torch.rand(voc_size, embedding_size) + 1).type(dtype) # voc_size > embedding_size Weight
self.WT = nn.Parameter(-2 * torch.rand(embedding_size, voc_size) + 1).type(dtype) # embedding_size > voc_size Weight def forward(self, X):
# X : [batch_size, voc_size]
hidden_layer = torch.matmul(X, self.W) # hidden_layer : [batch_size, embedding_size]
output_layer = torch.matmul(hidden_layer, self.WT) # output_layer : [batch_size, voc_size]
return output_layer model = Word2Vec() criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001) # Training
for epoch in range(5000): input_batch, target_batch = random_batch(skip_grams, batch_size) input_batch = Variable(torch.Tensor(input_batch))
target_batch = Variable(torch.LongTensor(target_batch)) optimizer.zero_grad()
output = model(input_batch) # output : [batch_size, voc_size], target_batch : [batch_size] (LongTensor, not one-hot)
loss = criterion(output, target_batch)
if (epoch + 1)%1000 == 0:
print('Epoch:', '%04d' % (epoch + 1), 'cost =', '{:.6f}'.format(loss)) loss.backward()
optimizer.step() # because
# input_size is [batch_size,voc_size] , ( a word is one-hot voctor(lenght is voc_size) )
# W is [voc_size,emmedding_size]
# a word*W ,result is same as:
# [1,0,0]*[w1,w4
# w2,w5
# w3,w6]
# so one word embedding vector is [w1,w4]
# 即: W[i][0],W[i][1]
for i, label in enumerate(word_list):
W, WT = model.parameters()
x,y = float(W[i][0]), float(W[i][1])
plt.scatter(x, y)
plt.annotate(label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(5, 2), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom')

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