Cisco ISE allows you to back up data from the Primary PAN and from the Monitoring node. Back up can be done from the CLI or user interface.

Cisco ISE allows you to back up the following type of data:

  • Configuration data—Contains both application-specific and Cisco ADE operating system configuration data. Back up can be done via the Primary PAN using the GUI or CLI.

  • Operational Data—Contains monitoring and troubleshooting data. Back up can be done via the Primary PAN GUI or using the CLI for the Monitoring node.

When Cisco ISE is run on VMware, VMware snapshots are not supported for backing up ISE data.


Cisco ISE does not support VMware snapshots for backing up ISE data because a VMware snapshot saves the status of a VM at a given point in time. In a multi-node Cisco ISE deployment, data in all the nodes are continuously synchronized with current database information. Restoring a snapshot might cause database replication and synchronization issues. Cisco recommends that you use the backup functionality included in Cisco ISE for archival and restoration of data.

Using VMware snapshots to back up ISE data results in stopping Cisco ISE services. A reboot is required to bring up the ISE node.

Restore operation, can be performed with the backup files of previous versions of Cisco ISE and restored on a later version. For example, if you have a backup from an ISE node from Cisco ISE, Release 1.3 or 1.4, you can restore it on Cisco ISE, Release 2.1.

Cisco ISE, Release 2.3 supports restore from backups obtained from Release 2.0 and later.

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