A. Short Program
time limit per test

2 seconds

memory limit per test

256 megabytes


standard input


standard output

Petya learned a new programming language CALPAS. A program in this language always takes one non-negative integer and returns one non-negative integer as well.

In the language, there are only three commands: apply a bitwise operation AND, OR or XOR with a given constant to the current integer. A program can contain an arbitrary sequence of these operations with arbitrary constants from 0 to 1023. When the program is run, all operations are applied (in the given order) to the argument and in the end the result integer is returned.

Petya wrote a program in this language, but it turned out to be too long. Write a program in CALPAS that does the same thing as the Petya's program, and consists of no more than 5 lines. Your program should return the same integer as Petya's program for all arguments from 0 to 1023.


The first line contains an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 5·105) — the number of lines.

Next n lines contain commands. A command consists of a character that represents the operation ("&", "|" or "^" for AND, OR or XOR respectively), and the constant xi 0 ≤ xi ≤ 1023.


Output an integer k (0 ≤ k ≤ 5) — the length of your program.

Next k lines must contain commands in the same format as in the input.

| 3
^ 2
| 1
| 3
^ 2
& 1
& 3
& 5
& 1
^ 1
^ 2
^ 3

You can read about bitwise operations in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwise_operation.

Second sample:

Let x be an input of the Petya's program. It's output is ((x&1)&3)&5 = x&(1&3&5) = x&1. So these two programs always give the same outputs.





0->0  1->0   先&0再^0

0->0  1->1   先&1再^0

0->1  1->0   先&1再^1

0->1  1->1   先&0再^1



 1 #include <cstdio>
2 #include <cstring>
3 #include <iostream>
4 using namespace std;
5 int x=0,y=1023;
6 int fun(int u,int i) {
7 if(u&(1<<i)) return 1;
8 return 0;
9 }
10 int main() {
11 ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
12 cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0);
13 int n,a;
14 cin>>n;
15 string s;
16 for(int i=0;i<n;++i) {
17 cin>>s>>a;
18 if(s[0]=='|') {x|=a; y|=a;}
19 if(s[0]=='^') {x^=a; y^=a;}
20 if(s[0]=='&') {x&=a; y&=a;}
22 }
23 int i=0,v1=0,v2=0;
24 while(i<=10) {
25 if(!fun(x,i) && fun(y,i)) v1+=(1<<i);
26 if(fun(x,i) && fun(y,i)) v2+=(1<<i);
27 if(fun(x,i) && !fun(y,i)) {
28 v1+=(1<<i);
29 v2+=(1<<i);
30 }
31 ++i;
32 }
33 cout<<2<<endl<<"& "<<v1<<endl<<"^ "<<v2<<endl;
34 return 0;
35 }

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