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Variables C语言中的变量

Let's extend our mainfunction from the first topic. What if we want to print the sum of 5 and 3?

This will be our first logical program.



The steps will look something like this:

  1. Ok computer:
  2. Store the values 5 and 3
  3. Add 5 and 3
  4. Print the result

    When you run the program, the computer will store the values 5 and 3, perform addition operation on it and then print the result.







  • In 'C' lanquage these storage boxes/areas are called Variables.

  • Our **program **can access and change the values of these storage boxes whenever required.

  • You can give any name to a variable except keywords which are already reserved in 'C' language.

  • The number 5 will be stored in a variable named 'a' and the number 3 we will be stored in a variable named 'b'. So we can write like a=5 and b=3.

  • You can store different types of values like numbers,text,numbers with decimals,etc.in these variables.

  • 在‘C’语言中,这些存储箱/区域称为变量

  • 我们的程序可以根据需要随时访问和更改这些存储区域的值。

  • 除‘C’语言中已保留的关键字外,您可以为变量指定任何名称。

  • 数字5将存储在名为‘a’的变量中,数字3将存储在名为‘b’的变量中。所以我们可以写成a=5和b=3。

  • 您可以在这些变量中存储不同类型的值,如数字、文本、带小数的数字等。

Like we learned before, variables can store differenttypes of values.

But how do you think the computer will come to know what kind of value is stored in a variable before performing an operation?



Datatype C语言中的数据类型


The answer is by reading its datatype.

The kind of value a variable will hold is defined by its datatype.

So there are different datatypes available for storing different kind of values, which we will see further.




Similar to our main program, the datatype for storing numbers is int.

So when we want to store our numbers a = 5 and b = 3 we will have to mention its datatype to the computer.

And our variables should be written with datatypes in the program as:




int a = 5;
int b = 3;

The previous two commands can be divided as,


int a;
int b;
a = 5;
b = 3;

First two statements are called as 'variable definition', where we define the variable name and its type.

Next two statements are called as 'variable initialization', where we assign values to the variables.

You can do both steps at the same time:




int a = 5;
int b = 3;
  • There are different datatypes available in 'C' language. Some frequently used datatypes are:

    • int: used to store a whole number.Example: int a = 10;
    • char: used to store a single Character. Example: char a='J';Value is always enclosed in single quotes.
    • float: used to store a number with decimal places.Example: float a =10.78; Store Upto 7 Decimal Places.
    • double : used to store decimal values with higher precision.Example: double a = 10.12345678;Stores up to 15 decimal places.
  • 在‘C’语言中有不同的数据类型可用。一些常用的数据类型包括:

    • int:用于存储整数,例如:int a=10;
    • char:用于存储单个字符。示例:char a='J';值始终用单引号引起来。
    • Float:用于存储带小数位的数字,例如:Floata=10.78,最多存储7位小数
    • DOUBLE:用于存储精度较高的小数值,例如:DOUBLEa=10.12345678,最多存储15位小数

Printing variables C语言中打印变量

Do you remember in the previous topic we learned how to print a simple text in 'C' language? Now we will learn how to print a Variable.

As you know there are different types of variables available in 'C', each type of variable is printed differently.

Let's see how to do it:




Printing an int variable 打印一个int类型的变量


int a = 5;
int b = 20;

When you want to print an int variable, we use '%d' and give the variable name. Below is the code (remember that \n is the newline character)


printf ("%d\n",a);
printf("Value of b is : %d", b);

Output 输出:


Value of b is : 20

Printing an char variable 打印一个char (单个)字符类型的变量


char varname = 'A';

When you want to print a char variable, we use '%c' and give the variable name. Below is the code:


printf("%c", varname );

Output 输出:


Make a Test 做个愉快的小测试吧

Complete the below command to print int and char value.

Fill in the blanks



int rollNumber = 23;
char firstLetter = 'M';
printf("my rollnumber is:__",rollNumber);
printf("First letter of my name is:__",firstLetter);
return 0;
int rollNumber = 23;
char firstLetter = 'M';
printf("my rollnumber is:%d",rollNumber);
printf("First letter of my name is:%c",firstLetter);
return 0;

Output 输出:

my rollnumber is:23 First letter of my name is:M

Printing a double variable 打印一个double类型的变量

Example 例子:

double marks = 20.815454342;

When you want to print a double variable, we have to use '%lf' and give the variable name. Below is the code


printf ("%lf",marks);

Output 输出:





Arithematic operations 算术运算

Let's go back to our previous example of adding two numbers 5 and 3. To add two numbers in maths we use + operator.

So the operation will be like 5+ 3.



Similarly in programming as well there are operators reserved to perform such kind of basic arithmetic operations.For adding two numbers '+' operator is used.


Let's take our previous example of adding two numbers 5 and 3, store it in two variables 'a' and 'b' and perform addition on it using +' operator.

The result which comes after addition will be stored in a new variable 'c'.'



#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a = 5;
int b = 3;
int c;
c = a+b;
printf("Result is %d", c);

Output 输出:

Result is 8

  • Below is a list of other operators available in 'C

    • '-': Subtracts the second operand from the first.
    • '*': Multiplies both operands.
    • '/': use for division operation.
    • '%': Modulus Operator and remainder of after an integer division.
  • 下面是‘C’中可用的其他运算符的列表。

    • ‘-’:从第一个操作对象中减去第二个操作对象。
    • '*':将两个操作对象相乘。
    • '/':用于除法运算。
    • '%':整数除法后的模运算符和余数。

++ && --

Wait a minute before we finish this topic, there are two more operators in 'C'.

These are '++' called as increment operators and '--' called as decrement operator.

'++' operator increases the integer value by one.

'--' decreases the integer value by one.

  • 等一下,在我们结束这个主题之前,“C”中还有两个运算符。这些被称为递增运算符的‘++’和被称为递减运算符的‘--’。

    • ‘++’运算符将整数值增加1。
    • ‘--’整数值减1。

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