
npm install bootstrap-loader jquery resolve-url-loader


entry: ['bootstrap-loader', './src/app.js']

new webpack.ProvidePlugin({

  $: 'jquery',

  jQuery: 'jquery'



# Output debugging info
# loglevel: debug # Major version of Bootstrap: 3 or 4
bootstrapVersion: 3 # If Bootstrap version 3 is used - turn on/off custom icon font path
useCustomIconFontPath: false # Webpack loaders, order matters
- style
- css
- sass # Extract styles to stand-alone css file
# Different settings for different environments can be used,
# It depends on value of NODE_ENV environment variable
# This param can also be set in webpack config:
# entry: 'bootstrap-loader/extractStyles'
extractStyles: false
# env:
# development:
# extractStyles: false
# production:
# extractStyles: true # Customize Bootstrap variables that get imported before the original Bootstrap variables.
# Thus, derived Bootstrap variables can depend on values from here.
# See the Bootstrap _variables.scss file for examples of derived Bootstrap variables.
# preBootstrapCustomizations: ./path/to/bootstrap/pre-customizations.scss # This gets loaded after bootstrap/variables is loaded
# Thus, you may customize Bootstrap variables
# based on the values established in the Bootstrap _variables.scss file
# bootstrapCustomizations: ./path/to/bootstrap/customizations.scss # Import your custom styles here
# Usually this endpoint-file contains list of @imports of your application styles
# appStyles: ./path/to/your/app/styles/endpoint.scss ### Bootstrap styles
styles: # Mixins
mixins: true # Reset and dependencies
normalize: true
print: true
glyphicons: true # Core CSS
scaffolding: true
type: true
code: true
grid: true
tables: true
forms: true
buttons: true # Components
component-animations: true
dropdowns: true
button-groups: true
input-groups: true
navs: true
navbar: true
breadcrumbs: true
pagination: true
pager: true
labels: true
badges: true
jumbotron: true
thumbnails: true
alerts: true
progress-bars: true
media: true
list-group: true
panels: true
wells: true
responsive-embed: true
close: true # Components w/ JavaScript
modals: true
tooltip: true
popovers: true
carousel: true # Utility classes
utilities: true
responsive-utilities: true ### Bootstrap scripts
transition: true
alert: true
button: true
carousel: true
collapse: true
dropdown: true
modal: true
tooltip: true
popover: true
scrollspy: true
tab: true
affix: true

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