





npm install mongodb


var mongodb = require('mongodb');
var server = new mongodb.Server("localhost",27017,{safe:true});
new mongodb.Db('test',server,{}).open(function(error,client){
if(error) throw error;
var collection = new mongodb.Collection(client,'user');
console.log("name:"+doc.name+" age:"+doc.age);


{ [Error: Cannot find module '../build/Release/bson'] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }

js-bson: Failed to load c++ bson extension, using pure JS version
Please ensure that you set the default write concern for the database by setting =
= one of the options =
= =
= w: (value of > -1 or the string 'majority'), where < 1 means =
= no write acknowlegement =
= journal: true/false, wait for flush to journal before acknowlegement =
= fsync: true/false, wait for flush to file system before acknowlegement =
= =
= For backward compatibility safe is still supported and =
= allows values of [true | false | {j:true} | {w:n, wtimeout:n} | {fsync:true}] =
= the default value is false which means the driver receives does not =
= return the information of the success/error of the insert/update/remove =
= =
= ex: new Db(new Server('localhost', 27017), {safe:false}) =
= =
= http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/getLastError+Command =
= =
= The default of no acknowlegement will change in the very near future =
= =
= This message will disappear when the default safe is set on the driver Db =
name:scaleworld age:27

Error: Cannot find module '../build/Release/bson'的解决办法

{ [Error: Cannot find module '../build/Release/bson'] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }

js-bson: Failed to load c++ bson extension, using pure JS version


npm install bson

然后将D:\nodejsdemo\node_modules\mongodb\node_modules\bson\ext\index.js中的bson = require('../build/Release/bson')改成bson = require('bson') ,重新运行。


“Please ensure that you set the default write concern for the database”的解决办法

从最后一句话“This message will disappear when the default safe is set on the driver Db”我们就可以看出该问题的解决办法,只要将数据库连接设置为安全即可。


new mongodb.Db('test',server,{})修改为new mongodb.Db('test',server,{safe:true})


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