
[2013-09-14 15:27:13 - QualityPicture_Client1.] ------------------------------
[2013-09-14 15:27:13 - QualityPicture_Client1.] Android Launch!
[2013-09-14 15:27:13 - QualityPicture_Client1.] The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.
[2013-09-14 15:27:13 - QualityPicture_Client1.] You must restart adb and Eclipse.
[2013-09-14 15:27:13 - QualityPicture_Client1.] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'D:\adt-bundle-windows-x86\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed.
你查看\tools目录发现多了一个adb_has_moved.txt文件,里面明确告诉了原因:The adb tool has moved to platform-tools。原来从SDK R8以后,SDK需要有一个新的组件支持,这个组件叫做Platform-tools,adb已经迁移到这个目录下去了。并且 adb_has_moved.txt文件也说明需要在PATH环境变量中增加\platform-tools路径,以便能够从任何地方启动adb.exe。  
[2013-09-14 15:27:13 - QualityPicture_Client1.]  ADB server didn't ACK
[2013-09-14 15:27:13 - QualityPicture_Client1.] * failed to start daemon *

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