Linear neuron:

\[y=b+\sum\limits_i{x_i w_i}\]

Binary threshold neuron:

\[z = \sum\limits_i{x_i w_i}\]
\[y=\left\{\begin{aligned} 1,~~~~~~~z\gt \theta \\ 0,otherwise\end{aligned}\right.\]


\[z = \sum\limits_i{x_i w_i}\]
\[y=\left\{\begin{aligned} 1,~~~~~~~z\gt 0 \\ 0, otherwise\end{aligned}\right.\]

Rectified linear neuron:

\[z=b+\sum\limits_i{x_i w_i}\]
\[y=\left\{\begin{aligned} 1,~~~~~~~z\gt 0 \\ 0, otherwise\end{aligned}\right.\]

Sigmoid neuron:

\[z=b+\sum\limits_i{x_i w_i}\]

Stochastic binary neuron:

we treat the output of the logistic as the probability of producing \(s=1\).

\[z = \sum\limits_i{x_i w_i}\]


  1. \(x\): neuron input.
  2. \(w\): input weight matrix.
  3. \(b\): bias term.
  4. \(y\): neuron output .

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