Today I finish the "Blinky LED" application on PIC32MZ starter kit. This application let LED1 blink with 0.5HZ frequency. The pseudo code is like

Delay second
Delay second

  It uses Timer1 to control the delay time. So first I implement the three Timer1 functions.

<p><b>Function: TMR1_Open</b></p> <p><b>Summary: Initialization of Timer </b></p> <p><b>Description: TMR1 on; 0.08 microsecond every tick </b></p> <p><b>Remarks: Pre-scale 1:8; PB 100MHz; PR1 0xFFFF</b></p>
void TMR1_Open(void)
T1CON = 0x8010;
PR1 = 0xFFFF;
// Comment a function definition and leverage automatic documentation
<p><b>Function: TMR1_Write</b></p> <p><b>Summary: Write TMR1</b></p> <p><b>Description: Write a value to TMR1</b></p> <p><b>Remarks: the value is range of 0~65535</b></p>
void TMR1_Write(unsigned int value)
TMR1 = value & 0xFFFF;
<p><b>Function: TMR1_Read</b></p> <p><b>Summary: Read TMR1</b></p> <p><b>Description: Read the value from TMR1</b></p> <p><b>Remarks: the value is range of 0~65535</b></p>
unsigned int TMR1_Read(void)
return (TMR1 & 0xFFFF);

  Second I finish the delay function, the implemention is like below

<p><b>Function: Delay_1S </b></p> <p><b>Summary: Delay using TMR1</b></p> <p><b>Description: Delay one second </b></p> <p><b>Remarks: call TMR1_Open first </b></p>
void Delay_1S(void)
unsigned int count = ;
unsigned int ticks = ;
while (count--)
while (TMR1_Read() < ticks)
; // do nothing

  Actually we are also able to do that like below

<p><b>Function: Delay_1S </b></p> <p><b>Summary: Delay using TMR1</b></p> <p><b>Description: Delay one second </b></p> <p><b>Remarks: call TMR1_Open first </b></p>
void Delay_1S(void)
unsigned int count = ;
unsigned int ticks = ;
while (count--)
while (TMR1_Read() < ticks)
; // do nothing

  I prefer to the second one. I believe the second one has higher accuracy than the first one.

  In the end, I finish the main function. In last blog, I already show how to implement LED_SETON. This time, we will the same LED_SETON funtion, and more, we need to implement LED_SETOFF. That's easy once you have read my last blog. If you don't know yet, please look at below.

#include <proc/p32mz2048ech144.h>
#include "Delay.h"
#include "ConfigurationBits.h" #define LED_IOCTL() TRISHCLR = (1<<0)
#define LED_SETON() LATHSET = (1<<0)
#define LED_SETOFF() LATHCLR = (1<<0)
#define LED_OPEN() ANSELH &= 0xFFFFFFFE void main(void)
while ()

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