In this lesson we'll see how Ramda's path and pathOr functions can be used to safely access a deeply nested property from an object while avoiding the dreaded checks for undefined at each new property in the desired path.

  1. const R = require('ramda');
  2. const {path, pathOr} = R;
  4. const acctDept = {
  5. name: 'Accounts Payable',
  6. location: '14th floor',
  7. personnel: {
  8. manager: {
  9. fName: 'Bill',
  10. lName: 'Lumberg',
  11. title: 'director of stuff and things',
  12. salary: 75000
  13. }
  14. }
  15. };
  17. const itDept = {
  18. name: 'IT',
  19. location: 'remote',
  20. personnel: {}
  21. };
  23. // path: will return undefined if cannot find prop
  24. const getMrgLastName = path(['personnel', 'manager', 'lName']);
  25. const getMrgLastNameOrDefaultVal = pathOr('Nobody', ['personnel', 'manager', 'lName'])
  27. const res = getMrgLastName(acctDept);
  28. console.log("res:", res); // Lumberg
  29. const res2 = getMrgLastName(itDept);
  30. const res3 = getMrgLastNameOrDefaultVal(itDept);
  31. console.log("res2:", res2); // undefined
  32. console.log("res3:", res3); // Nobody

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