function show(){
var date = new Date(); //日期对象
var now = "";
now = date.getFullYear()+"年"; //读英文即可了
now = now + (date.getMonth()+1)+"月"; //取月的时候取的是当前月-1假设想取当前月+1就能够了
now = now + date.getDate()+"日";
now = now + date.getHours()+"时";
now = now + date.getMinutes()+"分";
now = now + date.getSeconds()+"秒";
document.getElementById("nowDiv").innerHTML = now; //div的html是now这个字符串
setTimeout("show()",1000); //设置过1000毫秒就是1秒,调用show方法
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var str;
function onclicknum(nums) {
str = document.getElementById("nummessege");
str.value = str.value + nums;
function onclickclear() {
str = document.getElementById("nummessege");
str.value = "";
function onclickresult() {
str = document.getElementById("nummessege");
numresult = eval(str.value);
str.value = numresult;
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<body> <!用来显示时间>
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<body onload="show()"> <!-- 网页载入时调用一次 以后就自己主动调用了-->
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<font size="5" color="ff99ff">Design by:<a target="_blank" href=""
>网络人VS灰鸽子</a> 2016-3-3 邮箱</font>
<! 这里为了方便我就直接加入空格来布局了,这里能够使用style>
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