clone方法会返回该实例对象的一个副本,通常情况下x.clone() != x || x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass() || x.clone().equals(x)也为真。但不严格要求,我们能够通过重写该方法来覆盖。

protected native Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException;


* A class implements the <code>Cloneable</code> interface to
* indicate to the {@link java.lang.Object#clone()} method that it
* is legal for that method to make a
* field-for-field copy of instances of that class.
* <p>
* Invoking Object's clone method on an instance that does not implement the
* <code>Cloneable</code> interface results in the exception
* <code>CloneNotSupportedException</code> being thrown.
* <p>
* By convention, classes that implement this interface should override
* <tt>Object.clone</tt> (which is protected) with a public method.
* See {@link java.lang.Object#clone()} for details on overriding this
* method.
* <p>
* Note that this interface does <i>not</i> contain the <tt>clone</tt> method.
* Therefore, it is not possible to clone an object merely by virtue of the
* fact that it implements this interface. Even if the clone method is invoked
* reflectively, there is no guarantee that it will succeed.
* @author unascribed
* @see java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
* @see java.lang.Object#clone()
* @since JDK1.0
public interface Cloneable {

说明中写到。假设该对象未实现Cloneable 接口。那么当实例调用clone方法时。就会抛出该异常。


* Creates and returns a copy of this object. The precise meaning
* of "copy" may depend on the class of the object. The general
* intent is that, for any object {@code x}, the expression:
* <blockquote>
* <pre>
* x.clone() != x</pre></blockquote>
* will be true, and that the expression:
* <blockquote>
* <pre>
* x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass()</pre></blockquote>
* will be {@code true}, but these are not absolute requirements.
* While it is typically the case that:
* <blockquote>
* <pre>
* x.clone().equals(x)</pre></blockquote>
* will be {@code true}, this is not an absolute requirement.
* <p>
* By convention, the returned object should be obtained by calling
* {@code super.clone}. If a class and all of its superclasses (except
* {@code Object}) obey this convention, it will be the case that
* {@code x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass()}.
* <p>
* By convention, the object returned by this method should be independent
* of this object (which is being cloned). To achieve this independence,
* it may be necessary to modify one or more fields of the object returned
* by {@code super.clone} before returning it. Typically, this means
* copying any mutable objects that comprise the internal "deep structure"
* of the object being cloned and replacing the references to these
* objects with references to the copies. If a class contains only
* primitive fields or references to immutable objects, then it is usually
* the case that no fields in the object returned by {@code super.clone}
* need to be modified.
* <p>
* The method {@code clone} for class {@code Object} performs a
* specific cloning operation. First, if the class of this object does
* not implement the interface {@code Cloneable}, then a
* {@code CloneNotSupportedException} is thrown. Note that all arrays
* are considered to implement the interface {@code Cloneable} and that
* the return type of the {@code clone} method of an array type {@code T[]}
* is {@code T[]} where T is any reference or primitive type.
* Otherwise, this method creates a new instance of the class of this
* object and initializes all its fields with exactly the contents of
* the corresponding fields of this object, as if by assignment; the
* contents of the fields are not themselves cloned. Thus, this method
* performs a "shallow copy" of this object, not a "deep copy" operation.
* <p>
* The class {@code Object} does not itself implement the interface
* {@code Cloneable}, so calling the {@code clone} method on an object
* whose class is {@code Object} will result in throwing an
* exception at run time.
* @return a clone of this instance.
* @exception CloneNotSupportedException if the object's class does not
* support the {@code Cloneable} interface. Subclasses
* that override the {@code clone} method can also
* throw this exception to indicate that an instance cannot
* be cloned.
* @see java.lang.Cloneable
protected native Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException;


1. 数组视为自己主动实现了Cloneable接口;

2. 非数组类型,使用clone方法,须要实现Cloneable接口。否则会抛出异常;

3. 非数组类型,克隆时,会新创建一个该类型的实例,并将被克隆对象实例的状态复制给新创建对象。而且这是一个浅克隆-(影子克隆——shallow copy),而不是deep copy;

4. 重写clone方法时。首先首先首先须要调用父类的clone方法。

那么问题来了。什么是shallow copy?而deep copy又是什么?


public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws CloneNotSupportedException {
People people = new People("zjh", '男', 21, new Cloth(COLOR.WHITE , "XXL"));
People clone = (People) people.clone(); System.out.println("people == clone : " + (people == clone));
System.out.println("people.getCloth() == clone.getCloth() : "+ (people.getCloth() == clone.getCloth())); System.out.println("people.getAge() == clone.getAge() : "+(people.getAge() == clone.getAge())); System.out.println("people.getName() == clone.getName() : "+(people.getName() == clone.getName()));
class People implements Cloneable{
private String name;
private char sex;
private int age;
private Cloth cloth; /**
* {@inheritDoc}.
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return super.clone();
class Cloth{
private COLOR color;
private String size;
* 构造函数.
* @param color
* @param size
public Cloth(COLOR color, String size) {
this.color = color;
this.size = size;
enum COLOR {


people == clone : false

people.getCloth() == clone.getCloth() : true

people.getSex() == clone.getSex() : true

people.getName() == clone.getName() : true

age,sex。name比較为真还能理解,为什么people.getCloth() == clone.getCloth() 也是true呢?又做了以下的測试。




如今已经能确定,people和它的克隆对象clone中的cloth引用指向了同一个Cloth实例。这就是“shallow copy”。那么想要“deep copy”。那么就须要在重写方法的时候,同一时候调用对象属性的克隆方法(要求该属性对象也须要实现Cloneable)。


    protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
People clone = (People) super.clone();
return clone;


people == clone : false

people.getCloth() == clone.getCloth() : false

people.getAge() == clone.getAge() : true

people.getSex() == clone.getSex() : true

people.getName() == clone.getName() : true


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