Subscribers are basically listeners of an analysis port. They subscribe to a broadcaster and receive objects whenever an item is broadcasted via the connected analysis port. A uvm_component class does not have an in-built analysis port, while a uvm_subscriber is an extended version with an analysis port named analysis_export。uvm_subsriber的功能就是收集整个平台的function coverage, 它的派生类必须重写write 函数。

// CLASS: uvm_subscriber
// This class provides an analysis export for receiving transactions from a
// connected analysis export. Making such a connection "subscribes" this
// component to any transactions emitted by the connected analysis port.
// Subtypes of this class must define the write method to process the incoming
// transactions. This class is particularly useful when designing a coverage
// collector that attaches to a monitor.
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ virtual class uvm_subscriber #(type T=int) extends uvm_component; typedef uvm_subscriber #(T) this_type; // Port: analysis_export
// This export provides access to the write method, which derived subscribers
// must implement. uvm_analysis_imp #(T, this_type) analysis_export; // Function: new
// Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal
// constructor arguments for <uvm_component>: ~name~ is the name of the
// instance, and ~parent~ is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. function new (string name, uvm_component parent);, parent);
analysis_export = new("analysis_imp", this);
endfunction // Function: write
// A pure virtual method that must be defined in each subclass. Access
// to this method by outside components should be done via the
// analysis_export. pure virtual function void write(T t); endclass


1 uvm_subscriber.


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