将用链表表示的两个数相加,(2 -> 4 -> 3) + (5 -> 6 -> 4) 就是342 + 465.刚开始把题目给理解错了,做复杂了。


ListNode *addTwoNumbers(ListNode *l1, ListNode *l2) {
// IMPORTANT: Please reset any member data you declared, as
// the same Solution instance will be reused for each test case.
return l2;
return l1;
int sum;
int carry = ; ListNode *ans = l1;
ListNode *ans3 = ans;
//最后结果存到l1 ans
sum = l1->val + l2->val + carry;
carry = sum/;
l1->val = sum - ;
l1->val = sum;
l1 = l1->next;
l2 = l2->next;
if(l1==NULL &&l2==NULL)
if(carry == )
return ans; //找到最后一个节点
ans3 = ans3->next;
ListNode *temp = new ListNode();
ans3->next = temp;
return ans;
if(l1 == NULL)
ans3 = ans3->next;
ans3->next = l2;
l1 = l2;
l2 = NULL;
} //要看最高位进位的情况
if(carry == )
return ans; while(carry == && l1)
{ l1->val += carry;
if(l1->val > )
l1->val = l1->val %;
carry = ;
l1 = l1->next;
return ans; }
if(carry == )
ans3 = ans3->next;
ListNode *temp = new ListNode();
ans3->next = temp;
} return ans;
int main()
ListNode *l1 = new ListNode();
ListNode *n1 = new ListNode();
ListNode *n5 = new ListNode(); ListNode *l2 = new ListNode();
ListNode *n4 = new ListNode();
ListNode *n6 = new ListNode();
//ListNode *n8 = new ListNode(8);
l1->next = n1;
n1->next = n5;
l2->next = n4;
n4->next = n6;
//n6->next = n8;
Solution myS;
ListNode *temp = myS.addTwoNumbers(l2,l1);
return ;


ListNode *reverse(ListNode * l2)
ListNode *n1,*n2,*before;
n1 = l2;
n2 = n1->next;
before = NULL;
n1->next = before;
before = n1;
n1 = n2;
n2 = n2->next;
n1->next = before;
return n1;


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