
// Title: Memory Allocation Manager
// Manages the exclusive allocation of consecutive memory locations
// called ~regions~.
// The regions can subsequently be accessed like little memories of
// their own, without knowing in which memory or offset they are
// actually located.
// The memory allocation manager should be used by any
// application-level process
// that requires reserved space in the memory,
// such as DMA buffers.
// A region will remain reserved until it is explicitly released.
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ `ifndef UVM_MEM_MAM__SV
`define UVM_MEM_MAM__SV typedef class uvm_mem_mam_cfg;
typedef class uvm_mem_region;
typedef class uvm_mem_mam_policy; typedef class uvm_mem; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS: uvm_mem_mam
// Memory allocation manager
// Memory allocation management utility class similar to C's malloc()
// and free().
// A single instance of this class is used to manage a single,
// contiguous address space.
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class uvm_mem_mam; //----------------------
// Group: Initialization
//---------------------- // Type: alloc_mode_e
// Memory allocation mode
// Specifies how to allocate a memory region
// GREEDY - Consume new, previously unallocated memory
// THRIFTY - Reused previously released memory as much as possible (not yet implemented)
typedef enum {GREEDY, THRIFTY} alloc_mode_e; // Type: locality_e
// Location of memory regions
// Specifies where to locate new memory regions
// BROAD - Locate new regions randomly throughout the address space
// NEARBY - Locate new regions adjacent to existing regions typedef enum {BROAD, NEARBY} locality_e; // Variable: default_alloc
// Region allocation policy
// This object is repeatedly randomized when allocating new regions.
uvm_mem_mam_policy default_alloc; local uvm_mem memory;
local uvm_mem_mam_cfg cfg;
local uvm_mem_region in_use[$];
local int for_each_idx = -;
local string fname;
local int lineno;


  1. uvm_reg_model——寄存器模型(一)

    对于一个复杂设计,寄存器模型要能够模拟任意数量的寄存器域操作.UVM提供标准的基类库,UVM的寄存器模型来自于继承自VMM的RAL(Register Abstract Layer),现在可以先将寄存器 ...

  2. uvm_reg_predictor——寄存器模型(十七)

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  4. uvm_reg_block——寄存器模型(七)

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  5. uvm_reg_sequence——寄存器模型(六)

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  6. uvm_reg_item——寄存器模型(五)

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  7. uvm_reg_defines——寄存器模型(四)

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  8. UVM——寄存器模型相关的一些函数

    0. 引言 在UVM支持的寄存器操作中,有get.update.mirror.write等等一些方法,在这里整理一下他们的用法. 寄存器模型中的寄存器值应该与DUT保持同步,但是由于DUT的值是实时更 ...

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