
The STL is awash in comparisons of objects to see if they have the same value. For example, when you ask find to locate the first object in a range with a particular value, find has to be able to compare two objects to see if the value of one is the same as the value of the other. Similarly, when you attempt to insert a new element into a set, set::insert has to be able to determine whether that element’s value is already in the set.

The find algorithm and set’s insert member function are representative of many functions that must determine whether two values are the same. Yet they do it in different ways. find’s definition of “the same” is equality, which is based on operator==. set::insert’s definition of “the same” is equivalence, which is usually based on operator<.

Operationally, the notion of equality is based on operator==. If the expression “x == y” returns true, x and y have equal values, otherwise they don’t.

x and y have equivalent values with respect to operator< if the following expression is true:

!(x < y) && !(y < x)


set<int, less_equal<int> > s; // s is sorted by “<=”





!(10A <= 10B) && !(10B <= 10A)      // test 10A and 10B for equivalence

当然上头的判定的结果为:!(true) && !(true) ,等价于 false && false,所以最终的结果会是false,也就是说,判定结果告诉我们,10A和10B is not equivalent!然后10B,也就是10会被再一次插入到set中,oh, no!


别急,set有不重复这个特性,那么要是是个multiset呢,按照这个思路,这样的操作一定会成功,会认为是两个不同的元素插入到multiset内部,假设我们在后面需要做equal_range的相关操作(it identifies a range of equivalent values),问题就大了!

哈哈,和大家开了个很大的玩笑,STL是经过千锤百炼的,怎么可能存在这样傻的问题!关于这个问题SGI是最权威的了,我们可以去SGI查查,看到底是怎么回事!还真有,关键字:Strict Weak Ordering,好了让我们看看是怎么解决这个问题的:


multiset<int, less_equal<int> > s;




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