
  1. const maxn=;
  3. var
  4. x,y,rank,sa,h,s,num,c:array[..maxn] of longint;
  5. n,time:longint;
  7. function max(x,y:longint):longint; begin if x>y then exit(x) else exit(y); end;
  8. function min(x,y:longint):longint; begin if x<y then exit(x) else exit(y); end;
  9. procedure make;
  10. var i,j,p,tot:longint;
  11. begin
  12. p:=;
  13. while p<n do
  14. begin
  15. fillchar(c,sizeof(c),);
  16. for i:= to n-p do y[i]:=rank[i+p];
  17. for i:= n-p+ to n do y[i]:=;
  18. for i:= to n do inc(c[y[i]]);
  19. for i:= to n do inc(c[i],c[i-]);
  20. for i:= to n do
  21. begin
  22. sa[c[y[i]]]:=i;
  23. dec(c[y[i]]);
  24. end;
  25. fillchar(c,sizeof(c),);
  26. for i:= to n do x[i]:=rank[i];
  27. for i:= to n do inc(c[x[i]]);
  28. for i:= to n do inc(c[i],c[i-]);
  29. for i:= n downto do
  30. begin
  31. y[sa[i]]:=c[x[sa[i]]];
  32. dec(c[x[sa[i]]]);
  33. end;
  34. for i:= to n do sa[y[i]]:=i;
  35. tot:=;
  36. rank[sa[]]:=;
  37. for i:= to n do
  38. begin
  39. if (x[sa[i]]<>x[sa[i-]]) or (x[sa[i]+p]<>x[sa[i-]+p]) then inc(tot);
  40. rank[sa[i]]:=tot;
  41. end;
  42. p:=p<<;
  43. end;
  44. end;
  46. procedure makeht;
  47. var i,j,p:longint;
  48. begin
  49. h[]:=; p:=;
  50. for i:= to n do
  51. begin
  52. p:=max(p-,);
  53. if rank[i]= then continue;
  54. j:=sa[rank[i]-];
  55. while (i+p<=n) and (j+p<=n) and (s[i+p]=s[j+p]) do inc(p);
  56. h[rank[i]]:=p;
  57. end;
  58. end;
  60. procedure init;
  61. var i,j,tot:longint;
  62. ch:char;
  63. begin
  64. readln(n,time);
  65. for i:= to n do readln(s[i]);
  66. for i:= to n do x[i]:=s[i];
  67. fillchar(c,sizeof(c),);
  68. for i:= to n do inc(c[x[i]]);
  69. for i:= to do inc(c[i],c[i-]);
  70. for i:= to n do
  71. begin
  72. sa[c[x[i]]]:=i;
  73. dec(c[x[i]]);
  74. end;
  75. rank[sa[]]:=;
  76. tot:=;
  77. for i:= to n do
  78. begin
  79. if x[sa[i]]<>x[sa[i-]] then inc(tot);
  80. rank[sa[i]]:=tot;
  81. end;
  82. make;
  83. makeht;
  84. end;
  86. function check(k:longint):boolean;
  87. var i,j,x,y:longint;
  88. begin
  89. i:=;
  90. while i<=n do
  91. begin
  92. j:=i;
  93. while (j<n) and (h[j+]>=k) do inc(j);
  94. if j-i+>=time then exit(true);
  95. i:=j+;
  96. end;
  97. exit(false);
  98. end;
  100. procedure solve;
  101. var l,r,mid,ans:longint;
  102. begin
  103. l:=; r:=n>>; ans:=;
  104. while l<=r do
  105. begin
  106. mid:=(l+r)>>;
  107. if check(mid) then
  108. begin
  109. l:=mid+;
  110. ans:=mid;
  111. end
  112. else r:=mid-;
  113. end;
  114. writeln(ans);
  115. end;
  117. Begin
  118. init;
  119. solve;
  120. End.

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