@Bean 和@ Component的区别
- @Component auto detects and configures the beans using classpath scanning whereas @Bean explicitly declares a single bean, rather than letting Spring do it automatically.
- @Component does not decouple the declaration of the bean from the class definition where as @Bean decouples the declaration of the bean from the class definition.
- @Component is a class level annotation where as @Bean is a method level annotation and name of the method serves as the bean name.
- @Component need not to be used with the @Configuration annotation where as @Bean annotation has to be used within the class which is annotated with @Configuration.
- We cannot create a bean of a class using @Component, if the class is outside spring container whereas we can create a bean of a class using @Bean even if the class is present outside the spring container.
- @Component has different specializations like @Controller, @Repository and @Service whereas @Bean has no specializations.
1. component : 1 利用spring 类路径扫描,
2. 写在类上,和类定义不分离。
3. 不需要配合 @configuration注解
2. Bean : .当类不受spring控制的时候,写一个方法,返回某个不受spring控制的类的对象。 这样就能在spring里注入一个bean。
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