
service qq:928900200

Introduction to Computer Science II: CSCI142
Fall 2014
Lab #1
Instructor: Daniel Plante
Assigned: Monday, September 8, 2014
Turn In By: Monday, September 15, 2014 (Zipped project with all
files by MIDNIGHT)
For this lab, you will be designing and programming a number of classes representing different possible locks. You
will only be responsible for three specific lock types, but very important is the issue of how the functionality of the
locks should be abstracted into possible classes, abstract classes, and interfaces. We will design the classes by hand in
class, we will begin to use ArgoUML to create the class diagram. With this as a starting point, I will complete the
design and provide it with the rest of this assignment on Blackboard. This will be a “group” project, and as there are 14
of you in the class, you will pair up in teams of two to complete the lab. As there will be no class on Wednesday, you
will have class time to work together on this. Below is a description of the lab.
The three lock types are shown and described below:
KeyLock ComboLock KeylessEntryLock
The first lock, KeyLock, is simple, but the other two have some details that must be provided. The details are as
• Initially set combination of
length 3 (only set via the
constructor) with numbers
between 0 and MAX_VALUE,
either set randomly or by
providing the numbers
• 3 numbers set such that the first
and last numbers result in a
remainder x when divided by 4,
with middle number having
remainder (x+2)%4 when
divided by 4
• Initially set a 6-digit passcode (6DPC) in constructor
• Create new 4-digit user code (4DUC):
6DPC → * → 1 → New 4DUC → Repeat 4DUC
• Delete 4DUC:
6DPC → * → 2 → Existing 4DUC → Repeat 4DUC
• Delete ALL user codes:
6DPC → * → 6 → Reenter 6DPC
• Change 6DPC:
6DPC → * → 3 → New 6DPC → Repeat New 6DUC
• Also allows for entry with key
The design you must use and conform to will be the one we collectively decide on in class. You MUST stick to it! You
may add other properties as well as private, protected, and public methods, but the ones we agree on must also be there
and work as we agree on in class.


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  6. java 中的锁 -- 偏向锁、轻量级锁、自旋锁、重量级锁(转载)

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