
Checked the following details over the OWC:

- User created a PO for 5 lines
- Received the lines 1,2,3,4 fully (line 5 is not received)
- Cancelled lines 2,4 and 5 
- Now user wants to return the lines 2 and 4

Explained that this is not possible cause once the line has been cancelled the system will not allow any transactions on the
This is a standard functionality and user is given enough warning while cancelling the lines. User will have to perform miscelaneous issue to return the

User asked if there is any datafix that can be done. Since this is cause by the user action DEV/Support cannot provide any datafixes. This is not recom
mended. The broad guidelines for datafix would be :

- Update the cancel_flag , cancelled_by and cancel_date as NULL on the po_line_all , po_line_locations_all 
table for the lines 2 and 4

1. Undo Cancel Shipment
update po_line_locations_all
set cancel_flag = 'N',
cancel_reason = NULL,
cancel_date = NULL,
cancelled_by = NULL,
closed_code = 'OPEN',
closed_date = NULL
where line_location_id = &line_location_id;
2. Undo Cancel Line
update po_lines_all
set cancel_flag = 'N',
cancel_reason = NULL,
cancel_date = NULL,
cancelled_by = NULL,
closed_code = 'OPEN',
closed_date = NULL
where po_line_id = &po_line_id;

3. Undo Cancel Distribution too similarly

- Update the quantity_cancelled on the tables po_lines_all, po_line_locations_all , po_distributions_all to 0 for th
e line 2 and 4
- Issue commit
- Return the items received on lines 2 and 4
- Cancel the lines again so that the PO header amount is also adjusted


-The above has to be created and verified by the customer and authenticated on the TE
ST instance first.
- Above is assuming that the full qty has been received on the cancelled lines.

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