【JAVA、C++】LeetCode 007 Reverse Integer
Reverse digits of an integer.
Example1: x = 123, return 321
Example2: x = -123, return -321
public class Solution {
static public int reverse(int x) {
if(x==0||x==-2147483648)return 0;
boolean isNagetive=false;
long result=0;
final int INT_MAX=0x7fffffff;
return 0; if(isNagetive)result=-result;
return (int)result;
using namespace std;
class Solution {
int reverse(int x) {
if (x == INT_MIN)
return ;
bool isNeg = x < ;
x = abs(x);
long res = ;
while (x) {
res = res * + x % ;
if (res > INT_MAX)
return ;
x /= ;
return isNeg ? -(int)res: (int)res;
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