1. 概述
顾名思义,FrameLoader是一个Frame的loader,它的作用就是为客户端提供一个下载一个Frame的一系列的接口。这里的客户指的是类的客户,比如Frame类,间接客户是上层应用,比如 qwebframe
从它的定义看,最容易想到的是一个load接口,用来将一个frame load下来。任何一个页面都需要一个mainframe,因此一个页面的下载一般就是从load 一个 mainframe开始
在 load frame的过程中,通过FrameLoaderClient接口将load过程的不同阶段告知客户
FrameLoader通过 setDocumentLoader相当于把load的工作委托给了 DocumentLoader类
FrameLoader同 DocumentLoader是has-a的关系。一般在load的时候创建 DocumentLoader。Frame调用DocumentLoader的startLoadingMainResource开始 load frame
- class FrameLoader {
- private:
- Frame* m_frame;
- FrameLoaderClient* m_client;
- mutable PolicyChecker m_policyChecker;
- mutable HistoryController m_history;
- mutable ResourceLoadNotifier m_notifer;
- mutable SubframeLoader m_subframeLoader;
- mutable FrameLoaderStateMachine m_stateMachine;
- FrameState m_state;
- FrameLoadType m_loadType;
- // Document loaders for the three phases of frame loading. Note that while
- // a new request is being loaded, the old document loader may still be referenced.
- // E.g. while a new request is in the "policy" state, the old document loader may
- // be consulted in particular as it makes sense to imply certain settings on the new loader.
- RefPtr<DocumentLoader> m_documentLoader;
- RefPtr<DocumentLoader> m_provisionalDocumentLoader;
- RefPtr<DocumentLoader> m_policyDocumentLoader;
- bool m_delegateIsHandlingProvisionalLoadError;
- bool m_quickRedirectComing;
- bool m_sentRedirectNotification;
- bool m_inStopAllLoaders;
- String m_outgoingReferrer;
- bool m_isExecutingJavaScriptFormAction;
- bool m_didCallImplicitClose;
- bool m_wasUnloadEventEmitted;
- bool m_pageDismissalEventBeingDispatched;
- bool m_isComplete;
- bool m_isLoadingMainResource;
- RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> m_pendingStateObject;
- KURL m_workingURL;
- OwnPtr<IconLoader> m_iconLoader;
- bool m_mayLoadIconLater;
- bool m_needsClear;
- KURL m_submittedFormURL;
- Timer<FrameLoader> m_checkTimer;
- bool m_shouldCallCheckCompleted;
- bool m_shouldCallCheckLoadComplete;
- Frame* m_opener;
- HashSet<Frame*> m_openedFrames;
- bool m_didPerformFirstNavigation;
- bool m_loadingFromCachedPage;
- bool m_suppressOpenerInNewFrame;
- SandboxFlags m_sandboxFlags;
- SandboxFlags m_forcedSandboxFlags;
- RefPtr<FrameNetworkingContext> m_networkingContext;
- KURL m_previousUrl;
- }
2. 类关系
1,Frame 和 FrameLoader 是 contain-a的关系,在 Frame的构造函数中调用 FraomeLoader的构造函数,调用时传入参数 Frame指针 和 FrameLoaderClient指针
- inline Frame::Frame(Page* page, HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement, FrameLoaderClient* frameLoaderClient)
- : m_page(page)
- , m_treeNode(this, parentFromOwnerElement(ownerElement))
- , m_loader(this, frameLoaderClient)
- , m_navigationScheduler(this)
- , m_ownerElement(ownerElement)
- , m_script(this)
- , m_editor(this)
- , m_selectionController(this)
- , m_eventHandler(this)
- , m_animationController(this)
- , m_lifeSupportTimer(this, &Frame::lifeSupportTimerFired)
- , m_pageZoomFactor(parentPageZoomFactor(this))
- , m_textZoomFactor(parentTextZoomFactor(this))
- , m_pageScaleFactor()
- , m_orientation()
- #endif
- , m_inViewSourceMode(false)
- , m_isDisconnected(false)
- , m_excludeFromTextSearch(false)
- , m_mediaStreamFrameController(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::mediaStreamEnabled() ? adoptPtr(new MediaStreamFrameController(this)) : PassOwnPtr<MediaStreamFrameController>())
- #endif
- {
- ....
- }
2,Frame 有可能有子Frame, 所以维护 SubFrameLoader对象 m_subframeLoader来管理子 Frame 的load。 Frame可以对应 xml document,也可以对应html document,等。跟Document相关的子resource的load不在FrameLoader的职责范围内。
3,包含一个DocumentWriter类对象 m_writer,当Frame的数据 load finish的时候,将数据传给 DocumentWriter类,进行下一步的处理(比如解码)
4,FrameLoader维护三个 DocumentLoader对象,分别对应不同的阶段。
- RefPtr<DocumentLoader> m_documentLoader;
- RefPtr<DocumentLoader> m_provisionalDocumentLoader;
- RefPtr<DocumentLoader> m_policyDocumentLoader;
m_policyDocumentLoader 对应于 收到用户 load 调用,进行 policy check 阶段
m_provisionalDocumentLoader 对应于 policy check 通过之后,Frame数据还没有到来之前,它会负责 startLoadingMainResource的调用
m_documentLoader 则是 Frame第一个数据到来以后使用的 DocumentLoader,这个时候,前一个主 Frame 的 DocumentLoader已经不能再用(user agent开始白屏,刷掉前一个页面的显示)
- inline void Frame::init()
- {
- m_loader.init();
- }
- void FrameLoader::init()
- {
- // Propagate sandbox attributes to this Frameloader and its descendants.
- // This needs to be done early, so that an initial document gets correct sandbox flags in its SecurityOrigin.
- updateSandboxFlags();
- // this somewhat odd set of steps is needed to give the frame an initial empty document
- m_stateMachine.advanceTo(FrameLoaderStateMachine::CreatingInitialEmptyDocument);
- setPolicyDocumentLoader(m_client->createDocumentLoader(ResourceRequest(KURL(ParsedURLString, "")), SubstituteData()).get());
- setProvisionalDocumentLoader(m_policyDocumentLoader.get());
- setState(FrameStateProvisional);
- m_provisionalDocumentLoader->setResponse(ResourceResponse(KURL(), "text/html", , String(), String()));
- m_provisionalDocumentLoader->finishedLoading();
- m_documentLoader->writer()->begin(KURL(), false);
- m_documentLoader->writer()->end();
- m_frame->document()->cancelParsing();
- m_stateMachine.advanceTo(FrameLoaderStateMachine::DisplayingInitialEmptyDocument);
- m_didCallImplicitClose = true;
- m_networkingContext = m_client->createNetworkingContext();
- }
然后FrameLoader初始化的时候,首先把状态机的状态标识成 FrameLoaderStateMachine::CreatingInitialEmptyDocument ,然后调用客户端实现创建一个DocumentLoader,然后设置为PolicyDocumentLoader,并且设置ProvisionalDocumentLoader和PolicyDocumentLoader为同一个loader,并且设置FrameState状态为 Provisional(初始化为commitPage状态)
然后把状态机状态更新为 FrameLoaderStateMachine::DisplayingInitialEmptyDocument 完成初始化
- void FrameLoader::transitionToCommitted(PassRefPtr<CachedPage> cachedPage)
- {
- ASSERT(m_client->hasWebView());
- ASSERT(m_state == FrameStateProvisional);
- if (m_state != FrameStateProvisional)
- return;
- if (m_frame->view())
- m_frame->view()->scrollAnimator()->cancelAnimations();
- m_client->setCopiesOnScroll();
- history()->updateForCommit();
- // The call to closeURL() invokes the unload event handler, which can execute arbitrary
- // JavaScript. If the script initiates a new load, we need to abandon the current load,
- // or the two will stomp each other.
- DocumentLoader* pdl = m_provisionalDocumentLoader.get();
- if (m_documentLoader)
- closeURL();
- if (pdl != m_provisionalDocumentLoader)
- return;
- // Nothing else can interupt this commit - set the Provisional->Committed transition in stone
- if (m_documentLoader)
- m_documentLoader->stopLoadingSubresources();
- if (m_documentLoader)
- m_documentLoader->stopLoadingPlugIns();
- setDocumentLoader(m_provisionalDocumentLoader.get());
- setProvisionalDocumentLoader();
- setState(FrameStateCommittedPage);
- // Handle adding the URL to the back/forward list.
- DocumentLoader* dl = m_documentLoader.get();
- switch (m_loadType) {
- case FrameLoadTypeForward:
- case FrameLoadTypeBack:
- case FrameLoadTypeIndexedBackForward:
- if (m_frame->page()) {
- // If the first load within a frame is a navigation within a back/forward list that was attached
- // without any of the items being loaded then we need to update the history in a similar manner as
- // for a standard load with the exception of updating the back/forward list (<rdar://problem/8091103>).
- if (!m_stateMachine.committedFirstRealDocumentLoad())
- history()->updateForStandardLoad(HistoryController::UpdateAllExceptBackForwardList);
- history()->updateForBackForwardNavigation();
- // For cached pages, CachedFrame::restore will take care of firing the popstate event with the history item's state object
- if (history()->currentItem() && !cachedPage)
- m_pendingStateObject = history()->currentItem()->stateObject();
- // Create a document view for this document, or used the cached view.
- if (cachedPage) {
- DocumentLoader* cachedDocumentLoader = cachedPage->documentLoader();
- ASSERT(cachedDocumentLoader);
- cachedDocumentLoader->setFrame(m_frame);
- m_client->transitionToCommittedFromCachedFrame(cachedPage->cachedMainFrame());
- } else
- m_client->transitionToCommittedForNewPage();
- }
- break;
- case FrameLoadTypeReload:
- case FrameLoadTypeReloadFromOrigin:
- case FrameLoadTypeSame:
- case FrameLoadTypeReplace:
- history()->updateForReload();
- m_client->transitionToCommittedForNewPage();
- break;
- case FrameLoadTypeStandard:
- history()->updateForStandardLoad();
- if (m_frame->view())
- m_frame->view()->setScrollbarsSuppressed(true);
- m_client->transitionToCommittedForNewPage();
- break;
- case FrameLoadTypeRedirectWithLockedBackForwardList:
- history()->updateForRedirectWithLockedBackForwardList();
- m_client->transitionToCommittedForNewPage();
- break;
- // FIXME Remove this check when dummy ds is removed (whatever "dummy ds" is).
- // An exception should be thrown if we're in the FrameLoadTypeUninitialized state.
- default:
- }
- m_documentLoader->writer()->setMIMEType(dl->responseMIMEType());
- // Tell the client we've committed this URL.
- ASSERT(m_frame->view());
- if (m_stateMachine.creatingInitialEmptyDocument())
- return;
- if (!m_stateMachine.committedFirstRealDocumentLoad())
- m_stateMachine.advanceTo(FrameLoaderStateMachine::DisplayingInitialEmptyDocumentPostCommit);
- if (!m_client->hasHTMLView())
- receivedFirstData();
- }
5,包含一个HistoryController对象,用于操作历史记录相关的接口,保存或者恢复Document和View相关的状态,维护前进后退队列,以实现前进后退功能,前进后退本质上是同Page对象关联的,FrameLoader通过HistoryController操作 m_backForwardController对象
6,包含一个 ResourceLoadNotifier 对象, 主要用于同 ResourceLoader及FrameLoaderClient打交道,可以理解为 ResourceLoader有事件变化或者发生的时候,通知 FrameLoader 的一个手段
7,包含一个SubframeLoader对象,当FrameLoader下载的Document有子帧需要请求的时候(比如 HTMLDocument中解析到 iframe),用于处理子帧请求
8,将FrameLoader的状态封装到 FrameLoaderStateMachine 中,这个状态同 FrameState不同。 FrameState倾向于判断Frame涉及的Document的下载状态,是出于发起状态(Provisional),还是出于已经收到响应但不全(CommitedPage),还是响应收全状态,倾向于同HTTP相关。而 FrameLoaderStateMachine 倾向于同DocumentLoader相关,用来描述FrameLoader处理DocumentLoader的节点,是处于已经创建,还是显示状态。
9,PolicyChecker主要用来对FrameLoader进行一些校验。包括三种校验: NewWindow,Navigation和Content。
Navigation 对应于一个页面请求发起的时候
Content校验对应于收到数据之后(判断 Mime type等)
3. 主要接口
- void FrameLoader::init()
- void FrameLoader::init()
- {
- // Propagate sandbox attributes to this Frameloader and its descendants.
- // This needs to be done early, so that an initial document gets correct sandbox flags in its SecurityOrigin.
- updateSandboxFlags();
- // this somewhat odd set of steps is needed to give the frame an initial empty document
- m_stateMachine.advanceTo(FrameLoaderStateMachine::CreatingInitialEmptyDocument);
- setPolicyDocumentLoader(m_client->createDocumentLoader(ResourceRequest(KURL(ParsedURLString, "")), SubstituteData()).get());
- setProvisionalDocumentLoader(m_policyDocumentLoader.get());
- setState(FrameStateProvisional);
- m_provisionalDocumentLoader->setResponse(ResourceResponse(KURL(), "text/html", , String(), String()));
- m_provisionalDocumentLoader->finishedLoading();
- m_documentLoader->writer()->begin(KURL(), false);
- m_documentLoader->writer()->end();
- m_frame->document()->cancelParsing();
- m_stateMachine.advanceTo(FrameLoaderStateMachine::DisplayingInitialEmptyDocument);
- m_didCallImplicitClose = true;
- m_networkingContext = m_client->createNetworkingContext();
- }
- QWebFrame::QWebFrame(QwebPage* parent,QWebFrameData *frameData)
- QWebFramePrivate::init(QWebFrame* qwebframe,QWebFrameData* frameData)
- Frame::init()
- FrameLoader::init()
1,QWebFrame::QWebFrame(QWebPage *parent, QWebFrameData *frameData)
- QWebFrame::QWebFrame(QWebPage *parent, QWebFrameData *frameData)
- : QObject(parent)
- , d(new QWebFramePrivate)
- {
- d->page = parent;
- d->init(this, frameData);
- if (!frameData->url.isEmpty()) {
- WebCore::ResourceRequest request(frameData->url, frameData->referrer);
- d->frame->loader()->load(request, frameData->name, false);
- }
- connect(&d->m_orientation, SIGNAL(readingChanged()), this, SLOT(_q_orientationChanged()));
- d->m_orientation.start();
- #endif
- }
2,QWebFramePrivate::init(QWebFrame *qframe, QWebFrameData *frameData)
- void QWebFramePrivate::init(QWebFrame *qframe, QWebFrameData *frameData)
- {
- q = qframe;
- allowsScrolling = frameData->allowsScrolling;
- marginWidth = frameData->marginWidth;
- marginHeight = frameData->marginHeight;
- frame = frameData->frame.get();
- frameLoaderClient = frameData->frameLoaderClient;
- frameLoaderClient->setFrame(qframe, frame);
- frame->init();
- }
- inline void Frame::init()
- {
- m_loader.init();
- }
4, FrameLoader::init()
主要做一些自身的初始化工作,比如初始化状态机,Sandbox Flags,创建DocumentLoader被设置为 PolicyDocumentLoader 和 Provisional DocumentLoader,调用 DocumentLoader 和 documentWriter等的接口进行初始化操作
- void FrameLoader::commitProvisionalLoad()
- {
- RefPtr<CachedPage> cachedPage = m_loadingFromCachedPage ? pageCache()->get(history()->provisionalItem()) : ;
- RefPtr<DocumentLoader> pdl = m_provisionalDocumentLoader;
- LOG(PageCache, "WebCoreLoading %s: About to commit provisional load from previous URL '%s' to new URL '%s'", m_frame->tree()->uniqueName().string().utf8().data(),
- m_frame->document() ? m_frame->document()->url().string().utf8().data() : "",
- pdl ? pdl->url().string().utf8().data() : "<no provisional DocumentLoader>");
- // Check to see if we need to cache the page we are navigating away from into the back/forward cache.
- // We are doing this here because we know for sure that a new page is about to be loaded.
- HistoryItem* item = history()->currentItem();
- if (!m_frame->tree()->parent() && PageCache::canCache(m_frame->page()) && !item->isInPageCache())
- pageCache()->add(item, m_frame->page());
- if (m_loadType != FrameLoadTypeReplace)
- closeOldDataSources();
- if (!cachedPage && !m_stateMachine.creatingInitialEmptyDocument())
- m_client->makeRepresentation(pdl.get());
- transitionToCommitted(cachedPage);
- if (pdl) {
- // Check if the destination page is allowed to access the previous page's timing information.
- RefPtr<SecurityOrigin> securityOrigin = SecurityOrigin::create(pdl->request().url());
- m_documentLoader->timing()->hasSameOriginAsPreviousDocument = securityOrigin->canRequest(m_previousUrl);
- }
- // Call clientRedirectCancelledOrFinished() here so that the frame load delegate is notified that the redirect's
- // status has changed, if there was a redirect. The frame load delegate may have saved some state about
- // the redirect in its -webView:willPerformClientRedirectToURL:delay:fireDate:forFrame:. Since we are
- // just about to commit a new page, there cannot possibly be a pending redirect at this point.
- if (m_sentRedirectNotification)
- clientRedirectCancelledOrFinished(false);
- if (cachedPage && cachedPage->document()) {
- prepareForCachedPageRestore();
- cachedPage->restore(m_frame->page());
- dispatchDidCommitLoad();
- // If we have a title let the WebView know about it.
- StringWithDirection title = m_documentLoader->title();
- if (!title.isNull())
- m_client->dispatchDidReceiveTitle(title);
- checkCompleted();
- } else {
- KURL url = pdl->substituteData().responseURL();
- if (url.isEmpty())
- url = pdl->url();
- if (url.isEmpty())
- url = pdl->responseURL();
- if (url.isEmpty())
- url = blankURL();
- didOpenURL(url);
- }
- LOG(Loading, "WebCoreLoading %s: Finished committing provisional load to URL %s", m_frame->tree()->uniqueName().string().utf8().data(),
- m_frame->document() ? m_frame->document()->url().string().utf8().data() : "");
- if (m_loadType == FrameLoadTypeStandard && m_documentLoader->isClientRedirect())
- history()->updateForClientRedirect();
- if (m_loadingFromCachedPage) {
- m_frame->document()->documentDidBecomeActive();
- // Force a layout to update view size and thereby update scrollbars.
- m_frame->view()->forceLayout();
- const ResponseVector& responses = m_documentLoader->responses();
- size_t count = responses.size();
- for (size_t i = ; i < count; i++) {
- const ResourceResponse& response = responses[i];
- // FIXME: If the WebKit client changes or cancels the request, this is not respected.
- ResourceError error;
- unsigned long identifier;
- ResourceRequest request(response.url());
- requestFromDelegate(request, identifier, error);
- // FIXME: If we get a resource with more than 2B bytes, this code won't do the right thing.
- // However, with today's computers and networking speeds, this won't happen in practice.
- // Could be an issue with a giant local file.
- notifier()->sendRemainingDelegateMessages(m_documentLoader.get(), identifier, response, static_cast<int>(response.expectedContentLength()), , error);
- }
- pageCache()->remove(history()->currentItem());
- m_documentLoader->setPrimaryLoadComplete(true);
- // FIXME: Why only this frame and not parent frames?
- checkLoadCompleteForThisFrame();
- }
- }
- DocumentLoader::finishLoading
- DocumentLoader::commitIfReady
- FrameLoader::commitProvisionalLoad
- ResourceLoader::didReceiveData
- MainResourceLoader::addData
- DocumentLoader::receiveData
- DocumentLoader::commitLoad
- DocumentLoader::commitIfReady
- DocumentLoader::commitProvisionalLoad
1,MainResourceLoader::didFinishLoading(double finishTime)
- void MainResourceLoader::didFinishLoading(double finishTime)
- {
- // There is a bug in CFNetwork where callbacks can be dispatched even when loads are deferred.
- // See <rdar://problem/6304600> for more details.
- #if !USE(CF)
- ASSERT(shouldLoadAsEmptyDocument(frameLoader()->activeDocumentLoader()->url()) || !defersLoading());
- #endif
- // The additional processing can do anything including possibly removing the last
- // reference to this object.
- RefPtr<MainResourceLoader> protect(this);
- RefPtr<DocumentLoader> dl = documentLoader();
- #endif
- ASSERT(!documentLoader()->timing()->responseEnd);
- documentLoader()->timing()->responseEnd = finishTime ? finishTime : (m_timeOfLastDataReceived ? m_timeOfLastDataReceived : currentTime());
- frameLoader()->finishedLoading();
- ResourceLoader::didFinishLoading(finishTime);
- dl->applicationCacheHost()->finishedLoadingMainResource();
- #endif
- }
- void FrameLoader::finishedLoading()
- {
- // Retain because the stop may release the last reference to it.
- RefPtr<Frame> protect(m_frame);
- RefPtr<DocumentLoader> dl = activeDocumentLoader();
- dl->finishedLoading();
- if (!dl->mainDocumentError().isNull() || !dl->frameLoader())
- return;
- dl->setPrimaryLoadComplete(true);
- m_client->dispatchDidLoadMainResource(dl.get());
- checkLoadComplete();
- }
- void DocumentLoader::finishedLoading()
- {
- m_gotFirstByte = true;
- commitIfReady();
- if (FrameLoader* loader = frameLoader()) {
- loader->finishedLoadingDocument(this);
- m_writer.end();
- }
- }
4, DocumentLoader::commitIfReady()
- void DocumentLoader::commitIfReady()
- {
- if (m_gotFirstByte && !m_committed) {
- m_committed = true;
- frameLoader()->commitProvisionalLoad();
- }
- }
5, FrameLoader::commitProvisionalLoad()
1,MainResourceLoader::didReceiveData(const char* data, int length, long long encodedDataLength, bool allAtOnce)
- void MainResourceLoader::didReceiveData(const char* data, int length, long long encodedDataLength, bool allAtOnce)
- {
- ASSERT(data);
- ASSERT(length != );
- ASSERT(!m_response.isNull());
- // Workaround for <rdar://problem/6060782>
- if (m_response.isNull()) {
- m_response = ResourceResponse(KURL(), "text/html", , String(), String());
- if (DocumentLoader* documentLoader = frameLoader()->activeDocumentLoader())
- documentLoader->setResponse(m_response);
- }
- #endif
- // There is a bug in CFNetwork where callbacks can be dispatched even when loads are deferred.
- // See <rdar://problem/6304600> for more details.
- #if !USE(CF)
- ASSERT(!defersLoading());
- #endif
- documentLoader()->applicationCacheHost()->mainResourceDataReceived(data, length, encodedDataLength, allAtOnce);
- #endif
- // The additional processing can do anything including possibly removing the last
- // reference to this object; one example of this is 3266216.
- RefPtr<MainResourceLoader> protect(this);
- m_timeOfLastDataReceived = currentTime();
- ResourceLoader::didReceiveData(data, length, encodedDataLength, allAtOnce);
- }
2,ResourceLoader::didReceiveData(const char* data, int length, long long encodedDataLength, bool allAtOnce)
- void ResourceLoader::didReceiveData(const char* data, int length, long long encodedDataLength, bool allAtOnce)
- {
- // The following assertions are not quite valid here, since a subclass
- // might override didReceiveData in a way that invalidates them. This
- // happens with the steps listed in 3266216
- // ASSERT(con == connection);
- // ASSERT(!m_reachedTerminalState);
- // Protect this in this delegate method since the additional processing can do
- // anything including possibly derefing this; one example of this is Radar 3266216.
- RefPtr<ResourceLoader> protector(this);
- addData(data, length, allAtOnce);
- // FIXME: If we get a resource with more than 2B bytes, this code won't do the right thing.
- // However, with today's computers and networking speeds, this won't happen in practice.
- // Could be an issue with a giant local file.
- if (m_sendResourceLoadCallbacks && m_frame)
- frameLoader()->notifier()->didReceiveData(this, data, length, static_cast<int>(encodedDataLength));
- }
3,MainResourceLoader::addData(const char* data, int length, bool allAtOnce)
- void MainResourceLoader::addData(const char* data, int length, bool allAtOnce)
- {
- ResourceLoader::addData(data, length, allAtOnce);
- documentLoader()->receivedData(data, length);
- }
4,DocumentLoader::receivedData(const char* data, int length)
- void DocumentLoader::receivedData(const char* data, int length)
- {
- m_gotFirstByte = true;
- if (doesProgressiveLoad(m_response.mimeType()))
- commitLoad(data, length);
- }
5,DocumentLoader::commitLoad(const char* data, int length)
- void DocumentLoader::commitLoad(const char* data, int length)
- {
- // Both unloading the old page and parsing the new page may execute JavaScript which destroys the datasource
- // by starting a new load, so retain temporarily.
- RefPtr<Frame> protectFrame(m_frame);
- RefPtr<DocumentLoader> protectLoader(this);
- commitIfReady();
- FrameLoader* frameLoader = DocumentLoader::frameLoader();
- if (!frameLoader)
- return;
- if (ArchiveFactory::isArchiveMimeType(response().mimeType()))
- return;
- #endif
- frameLoader->client()->committedLoad(this, data, length);
- }
6, DocumentLoader::commitIfReady()
- void DocumentLoader::commitIfReady()
- {
- if (m_gotFirstByte && !m_committed) {
- m_committed = true;
- frameLoader()->commitProvisionalLoad();
- }
- }
OK, 跟踪over!!
说明: 这个接口主要的操作是将Provisional DocumentLoader设置成 DocumentLoader,因为已经收到数据,所以FrameState也会跃迁到FrameStateCommittedPage。还有历史记录,PageCache相关的操作。另外,这个接口会间接调用 FrameLoaderClientQt::transitionToCommittedForNewPage,通过Frame::createView 创建出 FrameView来。
- void FrameLoader::finishedLoading()
- {
- // Retain because the stop may release the last reference to it.
- RefPtr<Frame> protect(m_frame);
- RefPtr<DocumentLoader> dl = activeDocumentLoader();
- dl->finishedLoading();
- if (!dl->mainDocumentError().isNull() || !dl->frameLoader())
- return;
- dl->setPrimaryLoadComplete(true);
- m_client->dispatchDidLoadMainResource(dl.get());
- checkLoadComplete();
- }
- ResourceLoader::didFinishLoading
- MainResourceLoader::didFinishLoading
- FrameLoader::finishedLoading
- FrameLoader::init()
- DocumentWritter::end
- ….
- Document::finishParsing
- ….
- Document::finishedParsing
- FrameLoader::finishedParsing
- void DocumentLoader::finishedLoading()
- {
- m_gotFirstByte = true;
- commitIfReady();
- if (FrameLoader* loader = frameLoader()) {
- loader->finishedLoadingDocument(this);
- m_writer.end();
- }
- }
2, DocumentWriter::end()
- void DocumentWriter::end()
- {
- m_frame->loader()->didEndDocument();
- endIfNotLoadingMainResource();
- }
- void DocumentWriter::endIfNotLoadingMainResource()
- {
- if (m_frame->loader()->isLoadingMainResource() || !m_frame->page() || !m_frame->document())
- return;
- // http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10854
- // The frame's last ref may be removed and it can be deleted by checkCompleted(),
- // so we'll add a protective refcount
- RefPtr<Frame> protector(m_frame);
- // make sure nothing's left in there
- addData(, , true);
- m_frame->document()->finishParsing();
- }
- void Document::finishedParsing()
- {
- ASSERT(!scriptableDocumentParser() || !m_parser->isParsing());
- ASSERT(!scriptableDocumentParser() || m_readyState != Loading);
- setParsing(false);
- if (!m_documentTiming.domContentLoadedEventStart)
- m_documentTiming.domContentLoadedEventStart = currentTime();
- dispatchEvent(Event::create(eventNames().DOMContentLoadedEvent, true, false));
- if (!m_documentTiming.domContentLoadedEventEnd)
- m_documentTiming.domContentLoadedEventEnd = currentTime();
- if (RefPtr<Frame> f = frame()) {
- // FrameLoader::finishedParsing() might end up calling Document::implicitClose() if all
- // resource loads are complete. HTMLObjectElements can start loading their resources from
- // post attach callbacks triggered by recalcStyle(). This means if we parse out an <object>
- // tag and then reach the end of the document without updating styles, we might not have yet
- // started the resource load and might fire the window load event too early. To avoid this
- // we force the styles to be up to date before calling FrameLoader::finishedParsing().
- // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36864 starting around comment 35.
- updateStyleIfNeeded();
- f->loader()->finishedParsing();
- InspectorInstrumentation::domContentLoadedEventFired(f.get(), url());
- }
- }
FrameLoader::load(const ResourceRequest& request,bool lockHistory)
这个接口调用FrameLoaderClientQt::createDocumentLoader创建出DocumentLoader,并以此DocumentLoader为Policy DocumentLoder,进入Policy check流程
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