x = lcm/gcd,假设答案为a,b,那么a*b = x且gcd(a,b) = 1,因为均值不等式所以当a越接近sqrt(x),a+b越小。


最多16个不同的因子:2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47, 乘积为 614889782588491410, 乘上下一个质数53会爆int64范围。


using namespace std; typedef long long ll; ll mulMod(ll a, ll b, ll m) // a %= m
ll re = ;
re = (re+a); if(re >= m) re -= m;
a <<= ;
if(a >= m) a -= m;
b >>= ;
return re;
} ll powMod(ll a,ll q,ll m)
ll re = ;
re = mulMod(re,a,m);
a = mulMod(a,a,m);
q >>= ;
return re;
} bool witness(ll a,ll d,int t,ll n)
ll x = powMod(a,d,n), y;
y = mulMod(x,x,n);
if(y == && x != && x != n-) return true;
x = y;
return x != ;
} bool RabinMiller(ll n,int k = )
if(n == ) return true;
if(n < || ((n&)^) ) return false;
int t = ;
ll d = n-;
while((d&)^) { d>>=; t++; }
if(witness(rand()%(n-)+,d,t,n)) return false;
return true;
} ll gcd(ll a,ll b)
ll t = a%b;
a = b;
b = t;
return a < ? -a: a;
} ll rho(ll n)
ll x = rand()%(n-) + ;
ll y = x, d;
int i = , k = ;
ll c = +rand()%(n-);
x = (mulMod(x,x,n) + c);
if(x >= n) x -= n;
d = gcd(y-x,n);
if(d != && d != n) return d;
if(y == x) return n;
if(i == k){
y = x;
k <<= ;
} ll Prms[], stk[];
int tot; void pollard(ll n)
tot = ;
int top = ;
stk[++top] = n;
n = stk[top--];
Prms[tot++] = n;
ll p = n;
while(p >= n) p = rho(p);
stk[++top] = p;
stk[++top] = n/p;
} ll mpow(ll a,int q)
ll re = ;
if(q&) re *= a;
a *= a;
return re;
} //#define LOCAL
int main()
#ifdef LOCAL
ll g,l;
if(l == g){
printf("%I64d %I64d\n",g,l);
ll x = l/g;
Prms[tot] = -;
int k = ;
for(int j = ,i = , cnt = ; i <= tot; i++) {
if(Prms[i] == Prms[j]) cnt++;
else {
Prms[k++] = mpow(Prms[j],cnt);
cnt = ; j = i;
ll sqr = floor(sqrt(x)), best = ;
for(int S = <<(tot = k); --S; ){
ll cur = ;
for(int i = ; i < tot; i++){
if(S>>i&) cur *= Prms[i];
if(cur > sqr) break;
if(cur <= sqr && cur > best) best = cur;
printf("%I64d %I64d\n",g*best,l/best);
} return ;

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