acmer -- 最美的情书
2014-09-29 20:51:45
POJ 2482
Fleeting time does not blur my memory of you. Can it really be 4 years since I first saw you? I still remember, vividly, on the beautiful Zhuhai Campus, 4 years ago, from the moment I saw you smile, as you were walking out of the classroom and turned your head back, with the soft sunset glow shining on your rosy cheek, I knew, I knew that I was already drunk on you. Then, after several months’ observation and prying, your grace and your wisdom, your attitude to life and your aspiration for future were all strongly impressed on my memory. You were the glamorous and sunny girl whom I always dream of to share the rest of my life with. Alas, actually you were far beyond my wildest dreams and I had no idea about how to bridge that gulf between you and me. So I schemed nothing but to wait, to wait for an appropriate opportunity. Till now — the arrival of graduation, I realize I am such an idiot that one should create the opportunity and seize it instead of just waiting.
These days, having parted with friends, roommates and classmates one after another, I still cannot believe the fact that after waving hands, these familiar faces will soon vanish from our life and become no more than a memory. I will move out from school tomorrow. And you are planning to fly far far away, to pursue your future and fulfill your dreams. Perhaps we will not meet each other any more if without fate and luck. So tonight, I was wandering around your dormitory building hoping to meet you there by chance. But contradictorily, your appearance must quicken my heartbeat and my clumsy tongue might be not able to belch out a word. I cannot remember how many times I have passed your dormitory building both in Zhuhai and Guangzhou, and each time aspired to see you appear in the balcony or your silhouette that cast on the window. I cannot remember how many times this idea comes to my mind: call her out to have dinner or at least a conversation. But each time, thinking of your excellence and my commonness, the predominance of timidity over courage drove me leave silently.
Graduation, means the end of life in university, the end of these glorious, romantic years. Your lovely smile which is my original incentive to work hard and this unrequited love will be both sealed as a memory in the deep of my heart and my mind. Graduation, also means a start of new life, a footprint on the way to bright prospect. I truly hope you will be happy everyday abroad and everything goes well. Meanwhile, I will try to get out from puerility and become more sophisticated. To pursue my own love and happiness here in reality will be my ideal I never desert.
Farewell, my princess!
If someday, somewhere, we have a chance to gather, even as gray-haired man and woman, at that time, I hope we can be good friends to share this memory proudly to relight the youthful and joyful emotions. If this chance never comes, I wish I were the stars in the sky and twinkling in your window, to bless you far away, as friends, to accompany you every night, sharing the sweet dreams or going through the nightmares together.
流年不模糊我对你的记忆。它可以真正为4年来我第一次看到你吗?我还记得,历历在目,在美丽的珠海校区,4年前,从我看到你的微笑,因为你走出教室,把你的头向后仰,用柔软的晚霞映照在你的脸颊红润的那一刻,我知道,我知道,我已经醉了你。然后,经过数个月的观察和窥探,你的恩典,你的智慧,你的生活态度,你的愿望的未来都在我的记忆深深地铭记。你是迷人的,阳光明媚的女孩就是我一直梦想的分享我的生活与休息。唉,其实你是远远超出了我最疯狂的梦想,我不知道如何弥补你和我之间的鸿沟。于是我处心积虑只是等待,等待一个合适的时机。到目前为止 - 毕业的到来,我知道我这样一个人应该创造机会和把握的只是等待它,而不是一个白痴。
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