Proxy configuration can be located in a set of sections :
- defaults <name>
- frontend <name>
- backend <name>
- listen <name> A "defaults" section sets default parameters for all other sections following
its declaration. Those default parameters are reset by the next "defaults"
section. See below for the list of parameters which can be set in a "defaults"
section. The name is optional but its use is encouraged for better readability.
"defaults" 区块设置默认参数,对其定义后的所有区块有效。所有默认参数在优先级上,会被后面的
建议写上。 A "frontend" section describes a set of listening sockets accepting client
“frontend”区块描述接受客户端连接的监听sockets集。 A "backend" section describes a set of servers to which the proxy will connect
to forward incoming connections.
“backend”区块描述代理服务器集,代理将连接并转发入栈信息给这些服务器。 A "listen" section defines a complete proxy with its frontend and backend
parts combined in one section. It is generally useful for TCP-only traffic.
流量中。 All proxy names must be formed from upper and lower case letters, digits,
'-' (dash), '_' (underscore) , '.' (dot) and ':' (colon). ACL names are
case-sensitive, which means that "www" and "WWW" are two different proxies.
意味着"www"和“WWW”代表不同的代理。 Historically, all proxy names could overlap, it just caused troubles in the
logs. Since the introduction of content switching, it is mandatory that two
proxies with overlapping capabilities (frontend/backend) have different names.
However, it is still permitted that a frontend and a backend share the same
name, as this configuration seems to be commonly encountered. Right now, two major proxy modes are supported : "tcp", also known as layer 4,
and "http", also known as layer 7. In layer 4 mode, HAProxy simply forwards
bidirectional traffic between two sides. In layer 7 mode, HAProxy analyzes the
protocol, and can interact with it by allowing, blocking, switching, adding,
modifying, or removing arbitrary contents in requests or responses, based on
arbitrary criteria.
In HTTP mode, the processing applied to requests and responses flowing over
a connection depends in the combination of the frontend's HTTP options and
the backend's. HAProxy supports 5 connection modes :
在HTTP模式下,对请求和响应的处理由前端的HTTP option和后端配合决定。HAProxy支持五种
连接模式。 - KAL : keep alive ("option http-keep-alive") which is the default mode : all
requests and responses are processed, and connections remain open but idle
between responses and new requests. - TUN: tunnel ("option http-tunnel") : this was the default mode for versions
1.0 to 1.5-dev21 : only the first request and response are processed, and
everything else is forwarded with no analysis at all. This mode should not
be used as it creates lots of trouble with logging and HTTP processing. - PCL: passive close ("option httpclose") : exactly the same as tunnel mode,
but with "Connection: close" appended in both directions to try to make
both ends close after the first request/response exchange. - SCL: server close ("option http-server-close") : the server-facing
connection is closed after the end of the response is received, but the
client-facing connection remains open. - FCL: forced close ("option forceclose") : the connection is actively closed
after the end of the response. The effective mode that will be applied to a connection passing through a
frontend and a backend can be determined by both proxy modes according to the
following matrix, but in short, the modes are symmetric, keep-alive is the
weakest option and force close is the strongest. Backend mode | KAL | TUN | PCL | SCL | FCL
Frontend ----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----
mode PCL | PCL | PCL | PCL | FCL | FCL
FCL | FCL | FCL | FCL | FCL | FCL 最后附上一段配置文件example供参考
# Simple configuration for an HTTP proxy listening on port 80 on all
# interfaces and forwarding requests to a single backend "servers" with a
# single server "server1" listening on
maxconn 256 defaults
mode http
timeout connect 5000ms
timeout client 50000ms
timeout server 50000ms frontend http-in
bind *:80
default_backend servers backend servers
server server1 maxconn 32 # The same configuration defined with a single listen block. Shorter but
# less expressive, especially in HTTP mode.
maxconn 256 defaults
mode http
timeout connect 5000ms
timeout client 50000ms
timeout server 50000ms listen http-in
bind *:80
server server1 maxconn 32

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