swift Swauth install
devAuth 是swift原生的认证中间层,
Quick Install
#git clone
1) Install Swauth with sudo
python setup.py
or via
python setup.py develop
whatever packaging system you may be using.
2) Alter your proxy-server.conf pipeline to have swauth instead of
pipeline = catch_errors cache tempauth proxy-server
Change To::
pipeline = catch_errors cache swauth proxy-server
3) Add to your proxy-server.conf the section for the Swauth WSGI filter::
use = egg:swauth#swauth
set log_name = whatever super_admin_key =
4) Restart your proxy server swift-init proxy reload
5) Initialize the Swauth backing store in Swift swauth-prep -K password
6) Add an account/user swauth-add-user -A -K
password -a test tester testing
7) Ensure it works swift -A -U test:tester -K testing stat -v
Web Admin Install
1) If you installed from packages, you'll need to cd to the webadmin directory the package installed. This is /usr/share/doc/python-swauth/webadmin
with the Lucid packages. If you installed from source, you'll need to cd to the webadmin directory in the source directory.
# cd /usr/src/lyq/gholt-swauth-69fd700/webadmin
2) Upload the Web Admin files with swift -A -U .super_admin:.super_admin -K
password upload .webadmin .
3) Open in your browser.
and Input user: .super_admin key: password
My proxy-sever.conf
cert_file = /etc/swift/cert.crt
key_file = /etc/swift/cert.key
bind_port = 443
user = root
log_facility = LOG_LOCAL1
pipeline =
healthcheck cache swauth proxy-server
use =
allow_account_management =
use =
default_swift_cluster =
user_admin_admin = admin .admin .reseller_admin
user_test_tester = testing .admin
user_test2_tester2 = testing2 .admin
user_test_tester3 = testing3
set log_name = root
super_admin_key = password
use =
use =
Hidden configuration options
Type the defaults command given in a Terminal.app (in /Applications/Utilities) window and restart Cyberduck.
defaults write ch.sudo.cyberduck <property> <value>
Quit Cyberduck if it is currently running before editing any configuration file. You need to add the setting to AppData\Cyberduck.exe_Url_*\[Version]\user.config as follows:
<setting name="CdSettings" serializeAs="Xml">
<setting name="[property]" value="[value]" />
<setting name="cf.authentication.context "value="/auth/v1.0" />
Authentication Context Path ?
Authentication with devauth
No configuration change should be needed.
Authentication with swauth
To change the context of the URL from the default /v1.0, use the hidden configuration option defaults write ch.sudo.cyberduck cf.authentication.context <string>.
defaults write ch.sudo.cyberduck cf.authentication.context /auth/v1.0
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