# This is an example of a my.cnf file for mysqld_multi.
# Usually this file is located in home dir ~/.my.cnf or /etc/my.cnf
#   Make sure that the MySQL user, who is stopping the mysqld services, has
#   the same password to all MySQL servers being accessed by mysqld_multi.
#   This user needs to have the 'Shutdown_priv' -privilege, but for security
#   reasons should have no other privileges. It is advised that you create a
#   common 'multi_admin' user for all MySQL servers being controlled by
#   mysqld_multi. Here is an example how to do it:
#   GRANT SHUTDOWN ON *.* TO multi_admin@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password'
#   You will need to apply the above to all MySQL servers that are being
#   controlled by mysqld_multi. 'multi_admin' will shutdown the servers
#   using 'mysqladmin' -binary, when 'mysqld_multi stop' is being called.
#   If you are using mysqld_safe to start mysqld, make sure that every
#   MySQL server has a separate pid-file. In order to use mysqld_safe
#   via mysqld_multi, you need to use two options:
#   mysqld=/path/to/mysqld_safe
#   ledir=/path/to/mysqld-binary/
#   ledir (library executable directory), is an option that only mysqld_safe
#   accepts, so you will get an error if you try to pass it to mysqld directly.
#   For this reason you might want to use the above options within [mysqld#]
#   group directly.
#   It is NOT advised to run many MySQL servers within the same data directory.
#   You can do so, but please make sure to understand and deal with the
#   underlying caveats. In short they are:
#   - Speed penalty
#   - Risk of table/data corruption
#   - Data synchronising problems between the running servers
#   - Heavily media (disk) bound
#   - Relies on the system (external) file locking
#   - Is not applicable with all table types. (Such as InnoDB)
#     Trying so will end up with undesirable results.
# 4.TCP/IP Port
#   Every server requires one and it must be unique.
# 5.[mysqld#] Groups
#   In the example below the first and the fifth mysqld group was
#   intentionally left out. You may have 'gaps' in the config file. This
#   gives you more flexibility.
# 6.MySQL Server User
#   You can pass the user=... option inside [mysqld#] groups. This
#   can be very handy in some cases, but then you need to run mysqld_multi
#   as UNIX root.
# 7.A Start-up Manage Script for mysqld_multi
#   In the recent MySQL distributions you can find a file called
#   mysqld_multi.server.sh. It is a wrapper for mysqld_multi. This can
#   be used to start and stop multiple servers during boot and shutdown.
#   You can place the file in /etc/init.d/mysqld_multi.server.sh and
#   make the needed symbolic links to it from various run levels
#   (as per Linux/Unix standard). You may even replace the
#   /etc/init.d/mysql.server script with it.
#   Before using, you must create a my.cnf file either in /usr/my.cnf
#   or /root/.my.cnf and add the [mysqld_multi] and [mysqld#] groups.
#   The script can be found from support-files/mysqld_multi.server.sh
#   in MySQL distribution. (Verify the script before using)

mysqld     = /usr/bin/mysqld_safe
mysqladmin = /usr/bin/mysqladmin
user       = multi_admin
password   = my_password

socket     = /tmp/mysql.sock2
port       = 3307
pid-file   = /var/lib/mysql2/hostname.pid2
datadir    = /var/lib/mysql2
language   = /usr/share/mysql/mysql/english
user       = unix_user1

mysqld     = /path/to/mysqld_safe
ledir      = /path/to/mysqld-binary/
mysqladmin = /path/to/mysqladmin
socket     = /tmp/mysql.sock3
port       = 3308
pid-file   = /var/lib/mysql3/hostname.pid3
datadir    = /var/lib/mysql3
language   = /usr/share/mysql/mysql/swedish
user       = unix_user2

socket     = /tmp/mysql.sock4
port       = 3309
pid-file   = /var/lib/mysql4/hostname.pid4
datadir    = /var/lib/mysql4
language   = /usr/share/mysql/mysql/estonia
user       = unix_user3

socket     = /tmp/mysql.sock6
port       = 3311
pid-file   = /var/lib/mysql6/hostname.pid6
datadir    = /var/lib/mysql6
language   = /usr/share/mysql/mysql/japanese
user       = unix_user4


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