Anchor CMS

Just like its introduction says, Anchor has a very simple UI. The installation takes literally less than a minute. It support Markdown editor, custom field, multi languages and simple theming.

  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP 5.3.6+
  • Database: MySQL 5.2+
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: Yes

Pico CMS

Pico is another really simply CMS. It doesn't have a backend to edit (there is a plugin to enable that). It doesn't use database queries therefore making it super fast. It support Markdown formatting and twig templates.

  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP 5.2.4+
  • Database: No. Flat file CMS.
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: Yes


Bolt is a tool for Content Management, which strives to be as simple and straightforward as possible. It is quick to set up, easy to configure, uses elegant templates, and above all: It’s a joy to use. Bolt is created using modern Open Source libraries, and is best suited to build sites in HTML5, with modern markup.

  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP 5.3.2+
  • Database: Yes. SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: Yes


Monstra is a simple and light-weighted Content Management System written in PHP! Monstra has a good collection of plugins available to download.

  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP 5.2.3+
  • Database: Yes. SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: Yes. Plugin Repository

Wolf CMS

WolfCMS is slightly more advance than the rest. It has a great collection of plugins and it support per page customization, flexible page content and reusable snippets.

  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP 5+
  • Database: Yes. SQLite, MySQL.
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: Yes. Plugin Repository


PyroCMS is used by individuals, small & medium-sized businesses, and large organizations worldwide to easily create & build a variety of websites & web-enabled applications. It has multisite manager and powerful addons.

  • License: Open source
  • Server Language: PHP
  • Database: Yes. SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: No.

Kirby (Thanks Chris McCoy for sharing this CMS)

Kirby CMS is a easy to use, easy to setup and very flexible CMS. No database setup, it uses flat file system. WIth its jQuery inspired API, it's easy to learn as well. It supports MarkDown syntax, templates, plugins and most importantly, good documentation..

  • License: Free to try. $30 per website.
  • Server Language: PHP
  • Database: No. File-based CMS.
  • Self-Hosted: Yes
  • Support Plugins/Extensions: Yes. Plugin Repo

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