多目标遗传算法 ------ NSGA-II (部分源码解析) 快速排序代码 sort.c
/* Routines for randomized recursive quick-sort */ # include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <math.h> # include "global.h"
# include "rand.h" /* Randomized quick sort routine to sort a population based on a particular objective chosen */
void quicksort_front_obj(population *pop, int objcount, int obj_array[], int obj_array_size)
q_sort_front_obj (pop, objcount, obj_array, , obj_array_size-);
} /* Actual implementation of the randomized quick sort used to sort a population based on a particular objective chosen */
void q_sort_front_obj(population *pop, int objcount, int obj_array[], int left, int right)
int index;
int temp;
int i, j;
double pivot;
if (left<right)
index = rnd (left, right);
temp = obj_array[right];
obj_array[right] = obj_array[index];
obj_array[index] = temp;
pivot = pop->ind[obj_array[right]].obj[objcount];
i = left-;
for (j=left; j<right; j++)
if (pop->ind[obj_array[j]].obj[objcount] <= pivot)
temp = obj_array[j];
obj_array[j] = obj_array[i];
obj_array[i] = temp;
temp = obj_array[index];
obj_array[index] = obj_array[right];
obj_array[right] = temp;
q_sort_front_obj (pop, objcount, obj_array, left, index-);
q_sort_front_obj (pop, objcount, obj_array, index+, right);
按照个体的不同 目标函数 序号(objcount), 对种群序号数组obj_array按照拥挤距离进行快速排序。
/* Randomized quick sort routine to sort a population based on crowding distance */
void quicksort_dist(population *pop, int *dist, int front_size)
q_sort_dist (pop, dist, , front_size-);
} /* Actual implementation of the randomized quick sort used to sort a population based on crowding distance */
void q_sort_dist(population *pop, int *dist, int left, int right)
int index;
int temp;
int i, j;
double pivot;
if (left<right)
index = rnd (left, right);
temp = dist[right];
dist[right] = dist[index];
dist[index] = temp;
pivot = pop->ind[dist[right]].crowd_dist;
i = left-;
for (j=left; j<right; j++)
if (pop->ind[dist[j]].crowd_dist <= pivot)
temp = dist[j];
dist[j] = dist[i];
dist[i] = temp;
temp = dist[index];
dist[index] = dist[right];
dist[right] = temp;
q_sort_dist (pop, dist, left, index-);
q_sort_dist (pop, dist, index+, right);
将带排序的个体索引序号 按照 拥挤距离 排序。(快速排序法)
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