1. Introduction

- 保护软件的安全性措施,作为值得信赖的安全锚,
- 安全地生成,存储和处理安全性关键材料屏蔽任何潜在的恶意软件,?
- 通过运用有效的限制硬件篡改攻击的可能性篡改保护措施,?
- 加快保障措施,通过应用专门的加密硬件,
- 通过应用高度优化的专用电路,而不是昂贵的通用硬件减少对大批量的安保费用。

1.2. 对比

2. Architecture

2.1. Hardware Security Building Blocks

  • §Asymmetric crypto engine
  • §Symmetric crypto engine
  • §Cryptographic hash function
  • §Pseudo random number generator (PRNG)
  • §Internal clock
  • §Monotonic counters
2.2. Hardware Security Logic and Functionality
  • §Key management
  • §Secure boot and authenticated boot
  • §Secure clock
  • §Administration and audit


  1. Wolf, Marko, and Timo Gendrullis. "Design, implementation, and evaluation of a vehicular hardware security module." Information Security and Cryptology-ICISC 2011. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. 302-318.


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