Java问题解决:springboot启动出现-Your ApplicationContext is unlikely to start due to a @ComponentScan of the default package
** WARNING ** : Your ApplicationContext is unlikely to start due to a @ComponentScan of the default package
// 警告:你的应用上下文可能没有启动,因为你将注解添加到了默认的package上面了
SpringBoot在写启动类的时候如果不使用@ComponentScan指明对象扫描范围,默认指扫描当前启动类所在的包里的对象,如果当前启动类没有包,则在启动时会报错:Your ApplicationContext is unlikely to start due to a @ComponentScan of the default package错误。
@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = TestClass.class )
public class ClientDemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Java问题解决:springboot启动出现-Your ApplicationContext is unlikely to start due to a @ComponentScan of the default package的更多相关文章
- Your ApplicationContext is unlikely to start due to a @ComponentScan of the default package
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- 解决错误:Your ApplicationContext is unlikely to start due to a @ComponentScan of the default package.
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