Given an array equations of strings that represent relationships between variables, each string equations[i] has length 4 and takes one of two different forms: "a==b" or "a!=b".  Here, a and b are lowercase letters (not necessarily different) that represent one-letter variable names.

Return true if and only if it is possible to assign integers to variable names so as to satisfy all the given equations.

Example 1:

Input: ["a==b","b!=a"]
Output: false
Explanation: If we assign say, a = 1 and b = 1, then the first equation is satisfied, but not the second. There is no way to assign the variables to satisfy both equations.

Example 2:

Input: ["b==a","a==b"]
Output: true
Explanation: We could assign a = 1 and b = 1 to satisfy both equations.

Example 3:

Input: ["a==b","b==c","a==c"]
Output: true

Example 4:

Input: ["a==b","b!=c","c==a"]
Output: false

Example 5:

Input: ["c==c","b==d","x!=z"]
Output: true


  1. 1 <= equations.length <= 500
  2. equations[i].length == 4
  3. equations[i][0] and equations[i][3] are lowercase letters
  4. equations[i][1] is either '=' or '!'
  5. equations[i][2] is '='
class Solution {
int f[]; void init(){
for (int i=;i<;i++)
f[i] = i;
} int get_f(int x) {
if (int(f[x]) == int(x)) {
return x;
return f[x] = get_f(f[x]); // wrong
} void merge(int a, int b){
a = get_f(a); // wrong
b = get_f(b);
f[a] = b;
} bool is_same_set(int a, int b){
if (get_f(a) == get_f(b))
return true;
return false;
} public:
bool equationsPossible(vector<string>& equations) {
for (string s : equations){ // first: ==
int a = s[] - 'a'; // wrong
int b = s[] - 'a';
if (s[] == '=')
merge(a, b);
} for (string s : equations){ // second: !=
int a = s[] - 'a'; // wrong
int b = s[] - 'a';
if (s[] == '!')
if (is_same_set(a, b))
return false;
return true;

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