





如果当前now是0, 那么所有前i位是[0,left)的数字都+1个贡献,这些数一共有$left*10^j$个




#include<queue> #define inf 0x7fffffff
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef pair<string, string> pr; LL n;
LL r; int main()
LL p = ;
LL ans = ;
LL tmp = n;
if(n % == ){
//cout<<n / 10 * p<<endl;
ans += n / * p;
else if(n % == ){
//cout<<(n / 10 * p) + r + 1<<endl;
ans += (n / * p) + r + ;
//cout<<(n / 10 + 1) * p<<endl;
ans += (n / + ) * p;
} n /= ;
p *= ;
r = tmp % p;
} cout<<ans<<endl;
return ;

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