
  1. ballet
  2. body shaking
  3. sway the body
  4. have a good figure
  5. special training
  6. arm movement
  7. dance of Xingjiang
  8. sing and dance duet
  9. pole dance
  10. fan dancing
  11. waist drum dance
  12. dance in Tang Dynasty
  13. hip-hop
  14. graceful dance
  15. modern dance
  16. folk dance
  17. ballroom dance
  18. solo dance
  19. yangko dance
  20. tango
  21. foxtrot
  22. disco


  1. When did you get up yesterday morning?
  2. At about seven.
  3. I heard the clock, but I didn't get up until 9.
  4. I woke up seven and got up right away.
  5. I hurried to my office.
  6. I had my breakfast on the way.
  7. I was just on time.
  8. I was 10 minutes late.
  9. I had lunch with a friend of mine.
  10. I finished my work at 6 p.m.
  11. I stayed and did some extra work.
  12. The TV programs were really boring, so I went to bed very early.
  13. I read a magazine in bed.
  14. I didn't sleep well.
  15. I slept soundly all night.


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