





  1. <dependency>
  2. <groupId>com.github.pagehelper</groupId>
  3. <artifactId>pagehelper</artifactId>
  4. <version>4.1.6</version>
  5. </dependency>



  1. @Configuration
  2. public class PageHelperConfig {
  3. @Bean
  4. public PageHelper pageHelper(){
  5. PageHelper pageHelper = new PageHelper();
  6. Properties properties = new Properties();
  7. properties.setProperty("offsetAsPageNum","true");
  8. properties.setProperty("rowBoundsWithCount","true");
  9. properties.setProperty("reasonable","true");
  10. properties.setProperty("dialect","mysql"); //配置mysql数据库的方言
  11. pageHelper.setProperties(properties);
  12. return pageHelper;
  13. }
  14. }


6-1 定义mapper,延用之前的mapper


  1. <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
  2. <mapper namespace="com.example.springbootdemo.mapper.BookRepository">
  3. <!--省略多余内容-->
  4. <select id="getBooks" resultMap="bookResultMap">
  5. select * from BOOK WHERE 1=1
  6. <if test="bookId != null">
  7. and BOOK_ID = #{bookId}
  8. </if>
  9. <if test="pageNum != null">
  10. and PAGE_NUM = #{pageNum}
  11. </if>
  12. <if test="bookType != null">
  13. and BOOK_TYPE = #{bookType}
  14. </if>
  15. <if test="bookDesc != null">
  16. and BOOK_DESC = #{bookDesc}
  17. </if>
  18. <if test="bookPrice != null">
  19. and BOOK_PRICE = #{bookPrice}
  20. </if>
  21. <if test="bookName != null">
  22. and BOOK_NAME = #{bookName}
  23. </if>
  24. </select>
  25. <select id="count" resultType="int">
  26. select count(1) from BOOK WHERE 1=1
  27. <if test="bookId != null">
  28. and BOOK_ID = #{bookId}
  29. </if>
  30. <if test="pageNum != null">
  31. and PAGE_NUM = #{pageNum}
  32. </if>
  33. <if test="bookType != null">
  34. and BOOK_TYPE = #{bookType}
  35. </if>
  36. <if test="bookDesc != null">
  37. and BOOK_DESC = #{bookDesc}
  38. </if>
  39. <if test="bookPrice != null">
  40. and BOOK_PRICE = #{bookPrice}
  41. </if>
  42. <if test="bookName != null">
  43. and BOOK_NAME = #{bookName}
  44. </if>
  45. </select>
  46. <resultMap id="bookResultMap" type="Book">
  47. <id column="BOOK_ID" property="bookId"/>
  48. <result column="PAGE_NUM" property="pageNum"/>
  49. <result column="BOOK_NAME" property="bookName"/>
  50. <result column="BOOK_TYPE" property="bookType"/>
  51. <result column="BOOK_DESC" property="bookDesc"/>
  52. <result column="BOOK_PRICE" property="bookPrice"/>
  53. <result column="CREATE_TIME" property="createTime"/>
  54. <result column="MODIFY_TIME" property="modifyTime"/>
  55. </resultMap>
  56. </mapper>


  1. public interface BookRepository {
  2. //省略多余内容
  3. List<Book> getBooks(Book book);
  4. int count(Book book);
  5. }

6-2 定义service

  1. @Service
  2. @Log4j2
  3. public class BookService {
  4. @Autowired
  5. private BookRepository bookRepository;
  6. // 省略多余内容
  7. public ResponseEntity<PageInfo<Book>> getBooksByPageHelper(int pageId, int pageSize) {
  8. PageHelper.startPage(pageId, pageSize);
  9. List<Book> books = bookRepository.getBooks(Book.builder().build());
  10. int totalNum = bookRepository.count(Book.builder().build());
  11. PageInfo<Book> page = new PageInfo<>();
  12. page.setPageNum(pageId);
  13. page.setPageSize(pageSize);
  14. page.setSize(totalNum);
  15. page.setList(books);
  16. return ResponseEntity.ok(page);
  17. }
  18. }


6-3 定义controller

  1. @RestController
  2. @RequestMapping("/book")
  3. @Api(description = "书籍接口")
  4. @Log4j2
  5. public class BookApi {
  6. @Autowired
  7. private BookService bookService;
  8. // 省略多余内容
  9. @RequestMapping(value = "/getBooksByPageHelper", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  10. @ApiOperation(value = "分页获取书籍", notes = "通过PageHelper分页获取书籍", httpMethod = "GET")
  11. public ResponseEntity<PageInfo<Book>> getBooksByPageHelper(final int pageId, final int pageNum){
  12. return bookService.getBooksByPageHelper(pageId, pageNum);
  13. }
  14. }


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